Wednesday, 12 November 2014

General Science-111

1.              Bauxite is an ore of
a) iron     b) zinc     c) tin       d) aluminum

2.              Match the following ?
A. Glass                                   1. phosphorus
B. cement                                 2. clay
C. matches                               3. silica
D. ink                                        4. carbon black
     A    B    C     D                          A    B     C     D
a)  2    1     3     4                      b)  3    2      1      4
c)  4    3     2     1                      d)  3    1      4      2

3.              What is the dry ice ?
a) calcium hydroxide                  b) solid carbon dioxide
c) sodium hydroxide                   d) None of these
4.              Sugar contains
a) vitamins     b) carbohydrates   c) proteins     d) all these

5.              Which gas leaked in Bhopal gas tragedy ?
a) carbon monoxide        b) methyl isocynate
c) ethyl cyanide             d) phenyl isocynate

6.              Which of the following is not a chemical change ?
a) burning of coal           b) burning of paper
c) burning of wood          d) conversion of water into steam

7.              The chemical name of table salt is
a) calcium chloride         b) sodium chlorite
c) sodium hypochlorite   d) sodium chloride

8.              Chemical name of vitamin C is :
a) citric acid    b) ascorbic acid   c) oxalic acid   d) nitric acid

9.              Bone is used as a fertilizer because it contains the plant  nutrient ?
a) nitrogen    b) phosphorus   c) sodium    d) potassium

10.              Baking soda is :
a) sodium bicarbonate                b) sodium carbonate
c) sodium chloride                      d) sodium hydroxide

11.              Plaster of Paris is made from.
a) bauxite     b) gypsum      c) lime        d) none of these

12.              Petroleum consists of a complex mixture of :
a) carbonates                b) carbohydrates   
c) hydrocarbons             d) None of these

13.              The most abundant elements is the earth's atmosphere is :
a) oxygen     b) hydrogen    c) nitrogen     d) carbon dioxide.

14.              The three abundant element in the earth's crust are aluminum, oxygen and silicon. The correct order of their abundance is :
a) silicon, aluminum, oxygen  
b) aluminum, silicon, oxygen.
c) silicon, oxygen, aluminum
d) oxygen, silicon, aluminium.
15.              The chief constituent of gobar gas is :
a) hydrogen   b) methane   c) ethane   d) carbon dioxide

16.              The conversion of a substance directly from solid to vapour state is known as:
a) decomposition           b) vaporization  
c) ionization                   d) sublimation

17.              Sea water is saltier than rain water because:
a)       the air around sea is salty.
b)       sea beds have salt deposits.
c)       rivers wash away salts from the earth crust and pour these into sea.
d)       sea animals are salt producing.

18.              Which of the following gases may cause acid rain in an industrial area?
a) CO2         b) CO          c) SO2               d) CH4

19.              Which of the following substances is the most important constituent of biogas?
a) H2S      b) CO2         c) CH4              d) H2

20.              Which of the following elements are the main constituents of bronze?
a) Nickel and Chromium      b) Lead and Tin

c) Copper and Zink               d) Copper and Tin

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