Tuesday, 18 November 2014

HPSSB Computer Operator 2013 Part -I

1.    Which of the following is an Open Source Operating System ?
a)    Windows 7
b)    Windows XP
c)    Boss Linux
d)    All of these
2.    Name the smallest addressable set of bits of the computer memory.
a)    Byte
b)    Word
c)    Pixel
d)    Digit
3.    Which of the following high level language is not suitable for generation or developing a data file ?
a)    Basic
b)    Fortran
c)    Cobol
d)    Pascal
4.    Which of the below is not  an iPhone 4 feature ?
a)    4G
b)    Front facing camera
c)    HD recording
d)    Multitasking
5.    Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a waving machine ?
a)    Pascal
b)    Hollerith
c)    Babbage
d)    Jacquard
6.    Full form of ‘DOCOMO”?
a)    Do connect over Mobile
b)    Do communications over the mobile network
c)    Dongle Communication over Mobile
d)    Do Communication Or More
7.    When was the first e-mail sent ?
a)    1963
b)    1969
c)    1971
d)    1974
8.    What should be done to successfully convert the format of an image from BMP to JPEG ?
a)    Compress the file
b)    Rename the image
c)    Use the save as command
d)    Change the image file extension
9.    The term associated with the processing of comparison speed is ?
a)    FFTS
b)    MPG
c)    MIPS
d)    CPS
10.  Which of the following is essential component of communication cycle?
a)    A message
b)    An interpreter
c)    An email account
d)    An internet connection
11.  _____ is an automatic correction feature that makes corrections, when you type characters that match one of its entries.
a)    Auto correct
b)    Spell checking
c)    Grammar checking
d)    None of these
12.  What type of entries can be stored in MS Office Auto Correct List file?
a)    Text
b)    Text and Image
c)    Text, Images and Audio
d)    Text, Images, Audio and Video
13.  The default email editor using by MS Outlook is
a)    Notepad
b)    Wordpad
c)    MS Word
d)    MS Excel
14.  The Spell Check feature is provided in
a)    MS Word
b)    MS Excel
c)    MS PowerPoint
d)    All of these
15.  While spell check is on, the spelling mistakes are underlined by a ___ wavy line.
a)    Red
b)    Green
c)    Blue
d)    None of these
16.  Which one of the following is NOT a feature provided my MS Word?
a)    Auto Text
b)    Auto Complete
c)    Auto Type
d)    Auto Correct
17.  Which shortcut key combination is used for “Redo” command?
a)    Ctrl + X
b)    Ctrl + Y
c)    Ctrl + Z
d)    None of these
18.  Background colour or effects applied on a document is not  visible in
a)    Web layout view
b)    Print layout view
c)    Reading view
d)    Print preview
19.  Which of the following is not a type of page margin?
a)    Left
b)    Right
c)    Center
d)    Top
20.  What is gutter margin?
a)    Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
b)    Margin that is added to right margin when printing
c)    Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
d)    Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
21.  Which of the following is not a font style ?
a)    Bold
b)    Italics
c)    Regular
d)    Superscript
22.  How do you display current date and time in MS Excel ?
a)    Date()
b)    Today()
c)    Now()
d)    Time()
23.  How do you display only current date in MS Excel ?
a)    Date()
b)    Today()
c)    Now()
d)    Time()
24.  What is the short cut key to highlight the entire column ?
a)    Ctrl + C
b)    Ctrl + Enter
c)    Ctrl + Page Up
d)    Ctrl + Space Bar
25.  In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows
a)    $
b)    *
c)    %
d)    &
26.  Excel displays the current cell address in the ____.
a)    Formula Bar
b)    Status Bar
c)    Name Box
d)    Title Bar
27.  What is the correct way to refer the cell A10 on Sheet3 and Sheet1?
a)    Sheet3!A10
b)    Sheet1!A10
c)    Sheet3.A10
d)    A10
28.  Which of the following is not a term of MS-Excel ?
a)    Cells
b)    Rows
c)    Columns
d)    Document
29.  Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead ?
a)    Paper
b)    Margin
c)    Layout
d)    Orientation
30.  What do you call the chart that shows the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element ?
a)    XY Chart
b)    Line Chart
c)    Pie Chart
d)    Column Chart
31.  The start button and system tray are part of what Windows use interface features?
a)    Program bar
b)    MMC
c)    Taskbar
d)    Launch bar
32.  Which of the following is a true statement?
a)    Window NT allows you to boot directly to a command line.
b)    Windows 9x boot files must be installed on the C: partition
c)    Windows Me allows you to boot directly to a command line.
d)    Windows 2000 boot files may be installed on any partition.
33.  What do you call the command line interface that tells you it’s ready to receive commands by displaying a specific set of characters ?
a)    Menu
b)    Dialog
c)    Prompt
d)    CMD
34.  Which command can be used to recreate the disk’s tracks and sectors ?
a)    FDISK
b)    FORMAT
c)    CHKDSK
d)    ATTRIB
35.  FAT stands for
a)    File Accommodation table
b)    File Access Tape
c)    File Allocation Table
d)    File Activity Table
36.  Which command in DOS is used to display the version of MSDOS ?
b)    VERIFY
c)    VER
d)    VERSN
37.  Which of the following file names are invalid in MSDOS ?
b)    CHECK$.(1)
c)    VERIFIED.###
d)    QUERY.1?3
38.  Which command in DOS can be used to recover accidentally deleted files ?
39.  Which command in DOS is used to set a name to a disk ?
a)    VOLUME
b)    VOL
c)    LABEL
40.  Which of the following commands displays names of files in sorted order ?
a)    DIR/N
b)    DIR/SO
c)    DIR/AN
d)    DIR/AH
41.  Which command displays the list of all previous commands entered by the used ?
b)    KEYDOS
c)    DOSKEY
d)    DIR/ALL
42.  Which is MS-DOS essential file ?
a)    Command.com
b)    Io.sys
c)    Msdos.sys
d)    All of the above
43.  Which file in MSDOS contains internal commands that are loaded during booting process ?
a)    IO.SYS
44.  What is the name of the batch file that is automatically run when MSDOS is booted ?
a)    RUN.BAT
45.  Which type of commands in DOS needs additional files for their execution ?
a)    Internal Commands
b)    External Commands
c)    Batch Commands
d)    Redirectors
46.  The TIME commands is used to display____ time.
a)    US Time
b)    Greenwich Mean Time
c)    Julain Time
d)    System Time
47.  Which switch should be used in the DIR command to view files in all directories ?
a)    /P
b)    /W
c)    /S
d)    /L
48.  Which PowerPoint feature allows the user to create a simple presentation without having to spend too much time on it ?
a)    AutoContent Wizard
b)    Animation
c)    Colour Schemes
d)    Chart Wizard
49.  Which PowerPoint feature adds special effects to modify the appearance of the slides and the timing between each slide ?
a)    Colour schemes
b)    Animation
c)    Transition settings
d)    Handouts
50.  Slide sorter of PowerPoint is available on __________ menu.
a)    Insert
b)    File
c)    View
d)    Edit

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