Wednesday, 12 November 2014

General Science-113

1.              What is the main component of bones and teeth?
a) calcium carbonate                  b) calcium sulphate
c) calcium sulphate                    d) calcium nitrate

2.              The main constituent of hemoglobin is :
a) chlorine     b) iron      c) calcium       d) None of these

3.              The main function of the kidney is :
a) to control blood pressure
b) to control body temperature
c) to remove waste products from the body.
d) to help in digestion of food.

4.              The function of hemoglobin is :
a) transportation of oxygen       b) destruction of bacteria
c) preservation of anaemia       d) utilization of energy.

5.              Which of the following glands secrete tears?
aLachrymal     b) Pituitary     c) Thyroid    d) Pancreas

6.              Which is the largest gland in the human body?
a) Thyroid       b) liver      c) Pancreas    d) None of these

7.              Which is the largest organ in the human body?
a) Liver       b) Heart       c) Skin              d) Kidney.

8.              A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor?
a)  O           b) AB       c) A          d) B

9.              Which of the following vitamins promote healthy functioning of eyes in human beings?
a) Vitamin B    b) Vitamin C    c) Vitamin A   d) Vitamin D

10.              The average heartbeat per minute in a normal man is :
a) 50                 b) 70                 c) 80            d) 100

11.              A person of which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group?
a) A                  b) AB                c) B             d) O

12.              Myopia is a disease connected with :
a) ears              b) eyes                         c) lungs        d) brain

13.              Leukemia is a disease of the
a) lungs             b) blood             c) skin         d) nerves

14.              Short-sightedness can be corrected by using.
a) convex lens                           b) concave lens  
c) convex-concave lens               d) concave-convex lens

15.              Match the following.
Column I                      Column II
            A. Beri-beri                                1. Vitamin A
            B. Scurvy                                  2. vitamin B
            C. Rickets                                 3. vitamin C
            D. Night blindness                      4. Vitamin D

                 A    B    C     D                          A    B    C     D
            a)  3     2    1     4                      b)  2    1     3      4
            c)  2     3    4      1                     d)  2    3     1      4

16.              Pyorrhoea is a disease of the:
a) nose             b) gums            c) heart      d) lungs

17.              Lack of _______ causes diabetes.
a) sugar            b) insulin           c) calcium    d) vitamins

18.              Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is cause by:
a) bacterium      b) protozoan      c) fungus           d) virus

19.              Match the following columns :
Column I                      Column II
            A. Cataract                                1. Bones
            B. jaundice                                2. Eyes
            C. Diabetes                               3. Liver
            D. Arthritis                                 4. Pancreas

                 A     B     C     D                       A    B     C     D
            a)  2     3      4     1                    b) 2    3      1     4
            c)  1     3      4     2                    d) 3    2      4     1

20.          Bronchitis is a disease of which of the following organs?
          a) Blood    b) Bladder    c) Liver         d) Respiratory tract

21.          ECG is used for the diagnosis of ailments of :
          a) brain         b) heart             c) kidneys         d) lungs

22.          Dialysis is used for the treatment of :
          a) kidney failure                     b) heart weakness
          c) brain diseases                   d) none of these

23.          Rickets is a disease of the :
          a) bones       b) issue             c) muscles        d) blood

24.          The human cell contains:
          a) 44 chromosomes               b) 48 chromosomes
          c) 46 chromosomes               d) 23 chromosomes

25.          Enzymes help in :
          a) respiration                         b) digestion of food
          c) immune system                 d) reproduction

26.          Food is normally digested in the :
          a) liver                                   b) stomach       
          c) small intestines                 d) large intestines

27.          Which pair of diseases may result if a baby is deficient in protein?
          a) Kwashiorkor & Pellagra     
          b) Kwashiorkor & Rickets
          c) Kwashiorkor & Marasmus
          d) Marasmus  & Osteomalacea

28.          Which of the following acids is present in vitamin C?
          a) Citric acid             b) Ascorbic Acid           
          c) Lactic Acid                        d) Folic Acid

29.          Antigen.
          a) Lowers body temperature.
          b) destroys harmful bacteria.
          c) triggers the immune system.
          d) is used as an antidote to poison.

30.          According to WHO, the disease causing the death of the largest number of people today is :

          a) AIDS         b) tuberculosis   c) malaria    d) cholera

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