Friday, 11 October 2013

Computer Awareness-60

    1.     The default time separator is________
b.       $
d.      *
    2.     How many printer can be install at a time?
a.       One 
b.      Two
c.       Three 
d.      None
    3.     A value or set of values is called_______.
a.       File 
b.      Entity 
c.       Data 
d.      Key

    4.     A data item in a record that takes unique values and can be used to distinguish a record from other record is called______.
a.       Key 
b.      Information
c.       Data time 
d.      Record
    5.     What is information?
a.       Set of values 
b.      A processed data
c.       A collection of record 
d.      None of these
    6.     Which amongst the following is definition of record?
a.       A collection of similar entities 
b.      A collection of related records
c.       A collection of related items 
d.      None of these
    7.     A collection of values and a set of operations that act on those values is called:
a.       Abstract data type 
b.      Primitive data type
c.       Polymorphic 
d.      Data type
    8.     A primitive data type is a data type that is:
a.       Predefined 
b.      Post defined
c.       Abstract 
d.      None of these
    9.     The pre defined data type is also known as:
a.       Set of values 
b.      Built–in data type
c.       Polymorphic 
d.      Abstract data type
    10.  A data type that is organized in such a way that the specification of the values and the  specification of the operation on those values are separated from the representation of the values and the implementation of the operation is called:
a.       Primitive data type 
b.      Polymorphic data type
c.       Abstract data type 
d.      None of these
    11. What is a list?
a.        A collection of record which can be ordered or unordered
b.      A collection of data type which can be ordered or unordered
c.       A collection of different values
d.      A collection of elements which can be ordered or unordered
    12.  ______ is important because it supplies two essential pieces of information.
a.       Data typing 
b.      Data hiding
c.       Data typing 
d.      None of these
    13.  A data structure is a _______ of a particular organization of data.
a.       Algorithm 
b.      Logical model
c.       Analytical 
d.      None of these
    14. What is a linear data structure?
a.       The records form a sequence 
b.      The files form a sequence
c.       The elements from a sequence 
d.      The logic form a sequence
    15. A list of finite number of elements of same data type is called:
a.       Arrays 
b.      Data type
c.       Record of file 
d.      None of these
    16.  ______that requires only one index to access an individual element of the array?
a.       Two-dimensional array 
b.      One- dimensional array
c.       Multi dimensional array 
d.      Single ten arrays
    17. A linked list is a liner collection of data elements is:
a.       Array 
b.      Station
c.       nodes 
d.      None of these
    18.  Collection of on-line reference information used to perform program operations, this is termed as
a.     FORMULA
b.     FIELD
c.      Help
d.     none of the above
    19. To print formatted reports with dBASE, we use its built-in
a.        any particular format
b.      report generator
c.       computer memory
d.      none of the above
    20. A computer's main memory is called
a.       Database
b.      computer memory
c.       random access memory or RAM

d.      none of the above

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