Thursday, 4 December 2014

General Awareness-10

1.      Which of the Indian origin judge has been appointed as attorney General of Singapore?
a.       Daveer Bandari
b.      Kaushik Basu
c.       Sanjay Baru
d.      V.K. Rajan
2.      The RBI started issuing its bi-monthly credit policy on the recommendation of..?
a.       Swaraj committee
b.      Raghavan committee
c.       Bimal jalan committee
d.      Urjit patel committee
3.      What is the upper limit of RTGS transactions in India ?
a.       No limit
b.      Rs. 1 crore
c.       Rs 100 Crore
d.      Rs 1 lacks
4.      Books & Authors  given below,  select wrong option ?
a.       The lives of others – Neel Mukhargee
b.      No country -Kalyan Ray
c.       Public issues before parliament-Vijay Darda
d.      Emergency retold – Khushwant Singh

5.      Select wrong option ?
a.       IDBI act -2010
b.      NHB act -1987
c.       MSMED act-2006
d.      FEMA act-1999
6.      Select wrong matched ?
a.       BBPS: Bharat Bill payment system
b.      FRBM: Fiscal Responsibility & Budget Management
c.       e-BAAT: Electronic Banking Awareness & Training
d.      FIPB: Foreign interest Promotion board
7.      LIC of India was established in _____?
a.       1965
b.      1966
c.       1956
d.      1969
8.      Under Lead Bank Scheme lead banks were asked to adopt…?
a.       Village
b.      Town
c.       District
d.      State
9.      The apex organization of industrial finance in India is …?
a.       IDBI
b.      RBI
c.       ICICI
d.      IFCI
10.  Present the country producing the maximum silk in the world is?
a.      India
b.      China
c.       Japan
d.      South Korea
11.  What is “Dow Jones” ?
a.       Share market index of New York stock exchange market
b.      Share market index of Mumbai stock exchange market
c.       Share market index of Japan stock exchange market
d.      Share market index of Shanghai  Stock Exchange market
12.  The RBI was formed on the recommendations of __ commission ?
a.       Narasimhan
b.      Malhotra
c.       Hilton & Young
d.      Shiva Raman
13.  The International monetary fund ( IMF ) is an organization  no of countries?
a.       188
b.      187
c.       193
d.      209
14.  Find the wrong match?
a.       Shakti kanta Das – Present Revenue secretary
b.      John William Ashe – Present UNO general assembly secretary
c.       Anthony Lake – present UNICEF chairman
d.      Robert Ajevedo -present WHO director general
15.  Which institution is known as ‘soft loan window’ of World Bank?
a.      IFC
b.      IDA
c.       IMF
d.      IBRD
16.  Which of the following committees has given its recommendations on “Disinvestment method “?
a.      Rakesh Mohan Committee
b.      Rangarajan Committee
c.       Amartya sen Committee
d.      Kelkar Committee
17.  The oldest stock exchange of India is _______ Stock Exchange?
a.       Bombay
b.      National
c.       Bangalore
d.      Hyderabad
18.  The SLR comprises investments in which of the following ?
a.       Gold
b.      Cash
c.       Govt. securities
d.      all the above
19.  Which of the following Terms is not associated with banking sector?
a.       KYC
b.      RTGS
c.       NET
d.       TRAI
20.  Which of the following is India’s New Rating Index developed by Ministry of Finance?
a.       DOLEX
b.      CRIS
c.       SENSEX

d.      CRIS

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