Tuesday, 11 November 2014

General Awareness-3

Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Exam. 2012 (Held on July 2012) 

General Awareness : Part 1

1.      Gross Domestic Product is the monetary value of
a.       stock of goods and services 
b.      all final goods and services produced in a year
c.       goods produced for the market only
d.      goods produced for the market and for self consumption.
2.      Which one of the following market structures has a kinked demand curve?
a.       Perfect competition
b.      Monopoly
c.       Oligopoly
d.      Monopolistic competition 
3.      Which of the following pairs is not correct?
a.       I Plan – (1951 – 1956)
b.      III Plan – (1966 – 1971) 
c.       XI Plan – (2007 – 2012)
d.      VI Plan – (1980 – 1985) 
4.      Which of the following institutions deals with credit to Agriculture and Rural Development?
a.       IDBI
b.      NABARD
c.       SIDBI
d.      ICICI
5.      As per the results of the 2011 Population Census, which of the following groups occupies the three top places in respect of literacy?
a.       Kerala, Goa, West Bengal
b.      Chandigarh, Goa, Kerala
c.       Kerala, Lakshadweep, Mizoram
d.      Mizoram, Kerala, Tripura
6.      District Judges in a State are appointed by the:
a.       Advocate–General of the State
b.      Council of Ministers of the State 
c.       Governor
d.      Chief Justice of High Court
7.      Who will head the jury of the Awards Committees of Padma, Ratna and other highest honorary awards?
a.       President of India
b.      Vice-President of India
c.       Home Minister
d.      Prime Minister of India
8.      Most important responsibility of a Welfare State is:
a.       to preserve private property
b.      to promote religion of the people
c.       to check exploitation
d.      to check encroachments of Fundamental Rights.
9.      Which one of the following events are chronologically correct?
a.      Civil Disobedience Movement–Quit India Movement–The Cabinet Mission Plan
b.      The Cabinet Mission Plan–Civil Disobedience Movement –Quit India Movement
c.       Quit India Movement – Civil Disobedience Movement – Cabinet Mission Plan
d.      Civil Disobedience Movement – The Cabinet Mission Plan – Quit India Movement
10.  Who founded the Vikramasila University?
a.       Dhruva
b.      Devapala
c.       Dharmapala
d.      Mahipala
11.  Which of the following was not known during the Rigvedic period?
a.       Joint family system
b.      Agriculture
c.       Varna system (caste)
d.      Marriage system
12.  Abul Fazl wrote:
a.       Babur–Nama
b.      Humayun–Nama
c.       Akbar–Nama
d.      Alamgir–Nama
13.  Which of the following is called the ‘Crossroads of the Pacific’?
a.       Tonga
b.      Fiji
c.       Hawaii
d.      Ellice
14.  Which one of the following is an act of man that disturbs the ecological balance?
a.       Vanamahotsav
b.      Afforestation
c.       Lumbering
d.      Social forestry
15.  Which one is not correctly matched?
a.      Longcoy – Russia
b.      Rhine – Germany
c.       Glasgow – Great Britain
d.      Pittsburg – USA
16.  How many States in India are coastal?
a.       7
b.      8
c.       9
d.      10
17.  International boundary between India and Pakistan is demarcated by:
a.       Mc Mahon Line
b.      Durand Line 
c.       Radcliffe Line
d.      Maginot Line
18.  Which one of the following is called the amphibian in plant kingdom?
a.       Algae
b.      Fungi
c.       Bryophyta
d.      Pteridophyta
19.  Find the odd one out.
a.       Hookworm
b.      Guinea worm
c.       Tapeworm
d.      Ringworm
20.  National Institute of Nutrition is a research institute located in the State of:
a.      Andhra Pradesh
b.      Himachal Pradesh
c.       Madhya Pradesh
d.      Uttar Pradesh
21.  A tree’s age can be found by:
a.       measuring its height
b.      counting the number of annual rings
c.       counting the number of branches
d.      no means
22.  The left aortic arch is observed in :
a.        Amphibians
b.      Mammals
c.       Reptiles
d.      Aves
23.  Tendon connects:
a.       Bone to bone
b.      Muscle to bone
c.       Bone to muscle
d.      Muscle to muscle
24.  Mercury is generally used in thermometers because it has a:
a.       high fluidity
b.      high density
c.       high conductivity
d.      high specific heat
25.  To an observer on the lunar surface, during daytime, the sky will appear to be:
a.       Light yellow
b.      Blue
c.       Orange

d.      Black

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