Wednesday, 12 November 2014

General Science-109

1.       Which of the following gas is not known as green house gas?
a.       Methane
b.      Carbon dioxide
c.       Nitrous oxide
d.      CFC
2.       Which of the following is not a neutral oxide?
a.       Carbon Monoxide
b.      Sulphur Dioxide
c.       Water
d.      Nitric Oxide
3.       Which of the following is used in making smoke bombs?
a.       Sulphur
b.      Phosphorus
c.       Hydrogen
d.      Carbon

4.       Caustic Soda is:
a.       Nacl
b.      Na2CO3
c.       NaOH
d.      NaHCO3
5.       Chemical formula of Water glass is:
a.       Na2SiO3
b.      Al2O3
c.       NaAlO2
d.      CaSiO3
6.       Which of the following is not a bleaching agent?
a.       Sulpher dioxide
b.      Carbon dioxide
c.       Sodium hypochlorite
d.      Chlorine
7.       Heavy water is:
a.       Tritium oxide
b.      Deuterium oxide
c.       Rain water
d.      Water at 4°C
8.       The gases used in different types of welding would include:
a.       Oxygen & Hydrogen
b.      Oxygen, acetylene & argon
c.       Oxygen & acetylene
d.      Oxygen, hydrogen & nitrogen
9.       Which of the following alloys is used for making magnets?
a.       Duralumin
b.      Stainless Steel
c.       Alnico
d.      Magnelium
10.  Which of the following is the lightest metal ?
a.       Mercury
b.      Silver
c.       Lithium
d.      Lead
11.  The most important ore of Aluminium is:
a.       Bauxite
b.      Calamine
c.       Calcite
d.      Galena
12.  The element present in the largest amount in rocks and minerals is:
a.       Carbon
b.      Silicon
c.       Hydrogen
d.      Aluminium
13.  An alloy used in making heating elements for electric heating devices is:
a.       Solder
b.      Alloysteel
c.       Nichrome
d.      German Silver
14.  German Silver is an alloy of:
a.       Copper, Silver & Nickel
b.      Silver, Copper & Aluminium
c.       Zinc, Copper & Nickel
d.      Silver, Zinc & Nickel
15.  Which of the following is the best conductor of Electricity?
a.       Ordinary water
b.      Sea water
c.       Boiled water
d.      Distilled water
16.  The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is:
a.       Zinc
b.      Copper
c.       Aluminium
d.      Iron
17.  In which of the following activities Silicon Carbide is used ?
a.       Making cement and glass
b.      Disinfecting water and ponds
c.       Making castes for statues
d.      Cutting very hard substances
18.  The element common to all acids is:
a.       Oxygen
b.      Hydrogen
c.       Nitrogen
d.      Sulphur
19.  Gobar gas contains mainly:
a.       Methane
b.      Carbon dioxide
c.       Butane
d.      Carbon Monoxide
20.  The most malleable metal is:
a.       Silver
b.      Gold
c.       Aluminium

d.      Sodium

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