Wednesday, 12 November 2014

General Science-104

1.       Which of the following are the correct functions of two components of pancreatic juice trypsin and lipase?
a.       trypsin digests proteins and lipase carbohydrates
b.      trypsin digests emulsified fats and lipase proteins
c.       trypsin digests starch and lipase fats
d.      trypsin digests proteins and lipase emulsified fats
2.       The oxygen liberated during photosynthesis by green plants comes from:
a.       glucose
b.      water
c.       carbon dioxide
d.      chlorophyll
3.       Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
a.       energy is essential for life processes
b.      organisms grow with time
c.       movement of molecules does not take place among cells
d.      organisms must repair and maintain their body

4.       The internal energy (cellular energy) reserve in autotrophs is:
a.       proteins
b.      fatty acids
c.       glycogen
d.      starch
5.       Which of the following events does not occur in photosynthesis?
a.       conversion of light energy into chemical energy
b.      reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates
c.       oxidation of carbon to carbon dioxide
d.      absorption of light energy by chlorophyll
6.       The opening and closing of the stomatal pores depends upon:
a.       oxygen
b.      water in guard cells
c.       temperature
d.      concentration of C02 in stomata
7.       Most of the plants absorb nitrogen in one of the following forms. This is:
a.       proteins
b.      nitrates and nitrites
c.       urea
d.      atmospheric nitrogen
8.       The first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract is:
a.       Pepsin
b.      Cellulose
c.       amylase
d.      trypsin
9.       Which of the following is the correct statement?
a.       heterotrophs synthesize their own food
b.      heterotrophs utilize solar energy for photosynthesis
c.       heterotrophs do not synthesize their own food
d.      heterotrophs are capable of converting carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates
10.   In which of the following groups of organisms the food material is broken down outside the body and then absorbed?
a.       Mushroom, Green plants, Amoeba
b.      Yeast, Mushroom, Bread mould
c.       Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta
d.      Cuscuta, Lice, Tapeworm
11.   Which of the following is the correct sequence of parts as they occur in the human alimentary canal?
a.       Mouth->Stomach Small intestine -> Oesophagus ->Large intestine
b.      Mouth -> Oesophagus -> Stomach -> Large intestine -> Small intestine
c.       Mouth -> Stomach -> Oesophagus -> Small intestine -> Large intestine
d.      Mouth -> Oesophagus -> Stomach -> Small intestine --> Large intestine
12.  The first synthetic fibre made by man was:
a.       Rayon
b.      Nylon
c.       Polyester
d.      Terycott
13.  Which variety of glass is heat resistant?
a.       Hard glass
b.      Flint glass
c.       Pyrex glass
d.      Bottle glass
14.  Which of the following is used for removing air bubbles from glass during its manufacture?
a.       Fledspar
b.      Arsenic oxide
c.       Potassium Carbonate
d.      Soda Ash
15.  What are soaps?
a.       Salts of silicates
b.      Ester of heavy fatty acids
c.       Sodium or potassium salts of heavier fatty acids
d.      Mixture of glycerol and alcohol
16.  Which of the following is used in making artificial sweetener saccharine?
a.       Benzene
b.      Toluene
c.       Phenol
d.      Aniline
17.  Rayon is chemically:
a.       Glucose
b.      Amylase
c.       Cellulose
d.      Peptin
18.  Which of following is used as a filter in rubber tyres?
a.       Graphite
b.      Coal
c.       Coke
d.      Carbon Black
19.  In vulcanization, natural rubber is heated with:
a.       Carbon
b.      Sulphur
c.       Silicon
d.      Phosphorus
20.  Which type of fire extinguisher is used for petroleum fire?
a.       Foam type
b.      Soda acid type
c.       Powder type
d.    None of these

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