Wednesday, 12 November 2014

General Science-110

       1.      Tetraethyl lead is used as:
a.       Mosquito repellent
b.      Pain Killer
c.       Fire extinguisher
d.      Petrol additive
       2.      Which of the following is used in beauty parlors for hair setting?
a.       Phosphorus
b.      Sulphur
c.       Chlorine
d.      Silicon
      3.      Which of the following is a non-metal that remains liquid in room temperature?
a.       Bromine
b.      Chlorine
c.       Helium
d.      Phosphorus
      4 .      From which mineral is radium obtained:
a.       Limestone
b.      Haematitie
c.       Pitchblende
d.      Rutile

      5.      Which of the following is used as a material for making protective windows in space probes?
a.       Steel
b.      Graphite
c.       Tungsten
d.      Diamond
      6.      Which form of phosphorus is used in safety metals?
a.       Red Phosphorus
b.      White Phosphorus
c.       Yellow Phosphorus
d.      Black Phosphorous
      7.      Stainless steel is an alloy of:
a.       Iron, Carbon and Nickel
b.      Iron and Manganese
c.       Iron, Chromium and Zinc
d.      Iron, Chromium and Nickel
      8.      Which of the following is not correctly matched?
a.       Galena : Lead Sulphide
b.      Green vitriol : Copper sulphate
c.       Plaster of Paris : Calcium sulphate
d.      Calomel : Mercurous Chloride
      9.      Which of the following metals forms an amalgum with other metals?
a.       Lead
b.      Tin
c.       Zinc
d.      Mercury
     10.  A ship, on entering the sea from a river
a.      sinks lower
b.      rises higher 
c.       neither rises nor sinks
d.      stops floating
     11.  A thermostat is:
a.       device which increase temperature of electric equipment
b.       a device used to maintain constant temperature in electrical equipment .
c.       an instrument to check accuracy of thermometer
d.      None of these
     12.  Convex lenses are used for correction of
a.        long sightedness
b.      short sightedness
c.       cataract
d.      none of these
     13.  Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in vehicles?
a.        plain    
b.      convex 
c.       concave     
d.      spherical
     14.  A molecule is:
a.       a class of organic compounds.
b.      the smallest unit of a substance that retains the properties of the substance.
c.        the spectrum of a substance
d.       a small mass of an element
     15.  A transformer is used to :
a.       increase DC voltage
b.      increase of decrease AC voltage.
c.       decrease DC voltage
d.      convert DC into AC
     16.  During rusting.
a.       iron gains weight
b.      iron loses weight
c.       weight of iron remains unchanged.
d.       iron volatilizes
     17.  Metals are good conductors of electricity because
a.       they contain free electrons
b.      the atoms are lightly packed.
c.        they have high melting point.
d.       all of the above.
      18.  An echo is produced by the ….. of sound waves.
a.       refraction  
b.      absorption    
c.       reflection    
d.      diffraction
      19.  Which among the following planets is the smallest in size?
a.       Venus 
b.      Mars     
c.       Earth     
d.      Saturn
      20.  Einstein was awarded the Noble Prize for his work on……
a.       special theory of relativity
b.      general theory of relativity.
c.       theory of photoelectric effect.

d.      theory of Brownian motion.

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