Tuesday, 11 November 2014

General Awareness-4

Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Exam. 2012 (Held on July 2012) 
General Awareness : Part 2

1.      Which of the following quantities is the measure of ‘inertia’?
a.       Velocity
b.      Acceleration
c.       Mass
d.      Weight

2.      The intensity of a wave:
1. follows inverse square law.
2. is proportional to its amplitude.
3. is proportional to the square of the amplitude. 
a.       1 and 2 are true
b.      2 and 3 are true
c.       Only 2 is true
d.      1 and 3 are true

3.       Which data communication method is used for sending data in both directions at the same time?
a.       Super duplex
b.      Simplex
c.       Half duplex
d.      Full duplex

4.      What does the acronym ISDN stand for?
a.       Indian Standard Digital Network
b.      Integrated Services Digital Network
c.       Intelligent Services Digital Network
d.      Integrated Services Data Network 
5.      Darkening property of photo-chromatic glass is due to the presence of:
a.       silver bromide
b.      silver oxide
c.       silver nitrate
d.      silver chloride

6.      Supersonic aircrafts discharge the following substance into the stratosphere:
a.       NOX
b.      SOX
c.       CO2
d.      H2

7.      Chemical nature of laughing gas is:
a.       Nitric oxide
b.      Hydrogen chloride
c.       Nitrous oxide
d.      Sulphur dioxide

8.      The difference between isotopes of an element is due to the presence of a different number of:
a.       protons
b.      neutrons
c.       electrons
d.      photons

9.      The increasing abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has led to the following effects except:
a.       Global warming
b.      Depletion of ozone layer in the stratosphere 
c.       Oxygen fertilization effect
d.      Carbon dioxide fertilization effect

10.  Minamata epidemic that caused several deaths in Japan in 1965 occurred due to pollution in water by:
a.       Lead
b.      Mercury
c.       Fluoride
d.      DDT

11.  Ozone affects human health by causing severe pulmonary edema at a concentration of :
a.       0.2 ppm
b.      0.3 ppm
c.       3.0 ppm
d.      9.0 ppm

12.  The first President to sail in a submarine in India was:
a.       K. R. Narayanan
b.      Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
c.       V. V. Giri
d.      N. Sanjeeva Reddy 

13.  Cooking vessels have wooden or bakelite handles because:
a.      wood and bakelite are bad conductors of heat 
b.      the handle must be strong
c.       the handle should be attractive 
d.      None of the above

14.  “Deshbandhu” is the title of :
a.       B. R. Ambedkar
b.      C. R. Das
c.       B. C. Pal
d.      Rabindranath Tagore

15.  Which one of the following pairs is incorrect?
a.       Jeev Milkha Singh– Golf 
b.      Irfan Pathan – Cricket 
c.       Abhinav Bindra – Rifle shooting
d.      Sania Mirza – Badminton 

16.  In which of the following States, is the child–sex ratio the lowest as per the 2011 Census? 
a.      Haryana
b.      Punjab
c.       Chhattisgarh
d.      Bihar

17.  Kaziranga National Park is situated in:
a.       Odisha
b.      Gujarat 
c.       Rajasthan
d.      Assam 

18.  Who is the author of the book ‘if Cricket is Religion, Sachin is God’? 
a.       Vijai Santhanam
b.      Shyam Balasubramaniam
c.       Both (a) and (b)
d.      None of these

19.  Which of the following statements is not correct about Sunder Lal Bahuguna?
a.       He is an eminent environmentalist
b.      He was awarded Padma Bhushan in 2009
c.       He started the ‘Chipko Movement’ to create awareness of deforestation 
d.      He was elected to Lok Sabha from Uttarkashi in Uttarakhand 

20.  The three countries, in serial order, who won the highest number of Gold medals in the Beijing Olympics Games were:
a.      China, USA, Russia
b.      China, USA, Germany
c.       China, Germany, Australia
d.      China, Germany, USA

21.  The first woman from India to be conferred the Sainthood by Pope Benedict XVI is:
a.       Sister Desouza
b.      Sister Madorana
c.       Sister Alphonsa
d.      Sister Nirmala

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