Wednesday, 12 November 2014

General Science-108

1.       Potassium Permanganate is used for purifying drinking water, because:
a.       It dissolves the impurities of water
b.      It is a sterilizing agent
c.       It is an oxidizing agent
d.      It is a reducing agent.
2.       The presence of which of the following salts in water causes corrosion in steam boilers?
a.       Sodium Chloride
b.      Magnesium Chloride
c.       Calcium bicarbonate
d.      Potassium bicarbonate
3.       Water is a good solvent of ionic salts because:
a.       It has no colour
b.      It has a boiling point
c.       It has a high dipole moment
d.      It has a high specific heat

4.       The hardest substance available in earth is:
a.       Platinum
b.      Silicon
c.       Diamond
d.      Gold
5.       Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity?
a.       Zinc
b.      Copper
c.       Gold
d.      Silver
6.       The ratio of pure gold in 18 carat gold is:
a.       60%
b.      75%
c.       80%
d.      100%
7.       Which of the following is not an ore of Aluminium?
a.       Felsper
b.      Bauxite
c.       Cryolite
d.      Azurite
8.       Most soluble in water is:
a.       Camphor
b.      Sugar
c.       Sulphur
d.      Common Salt
9.       Bromine is:
a.       colourless gas insoluble in water
b.      A highly inflammable gas
c.       A Black solid.
d.      A red liquid
10.   The metal used in storage batteries:
a.       Iron
b.      Copper
c.       Lead
d.      Zinc
11.   Water has maximum density at:
a.       –4°C
b.      0°C
c.       4°C
d.      100°C
12.   The chemial name of Uria is:
a.       Aneurin
b.      Chloroetane
c.       Carbamide
d.      None of these
13.   Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding:
a.       Potassium Permanganate
b.      Chlorine
c.       Bleaching Powder
d.      Washing Soda
14.   The formula of Plaster of Paris is:
a.       CaSO4
b.      CaSO4, 2H2O
c.       2CaSO4, 4H2O
d.      2CaSO4, H2O
15.   Which of the following substance is a bad conductor of electricity but a good conductor of heat?
a.       Asbestos
b.      Celluloid
c.       Purspecks
d.      Mica
16.   Carborandum is:
a.       Silicon Dioxide
b.      Silicon Carbide
c.       Silicon Nitride
d.      Silicon Phosphide
17.   Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity?
a.       Copper
b.      Mica
c.       Zinc
d.      Silver
18.   Washing soda is the common name of:
a.       Calcium Carbonate
b.      Calcium Bi-Carbonate
c.       Sodium Carbonate
d.      Sodium Bi-Carbonate
19.   Bleaching powder is made from:
a.       Sulphur dioxide and gypsum
b.      Chlorine and Charcoal
c.       Soda ash and lime
d.      Lime and Chlorine
20.   The two elements that are frequently used for making transistors are:
a.       Boron and Aluminium
b.      Silicon and Germenium
c.       Iridium and Tungsten

d.      Niobium and Columbium

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