Saturday, 25 October 2014

General Science-103

1.      Burning of a meteorite in the earth’s atmosphere is an example of change of
a.       heat energy into kinetic energy 
b.      kinetic energy into heat energy
c.       kinetic energy into potential energy 
d.      potential energy into heat energy
2.      Soda bottles are made of thick glass so that they can withstand the
a.      pressure in summer
b.      temperature in summer
c.       decrease in viscosity
d.      increase in potential energy
3.      A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to:
a.       Velocity
b.      Inertia
c.       Reaction
d.      Momentum

4.      The fuse in our domestic electric circuit melts when there is a high rise in:
a.       Conductivity
b.      Capacitance
c.       Resistance
d.      Current
5.      The value of Universal Gravitation constant was first found by:
a.       Sir Issac Newton
b.      Henry Cavendish
c.       Galileo Galilei
d.      Sir J. J. Thomson
6.      Which of the following is an example for cantilever beam?
a.      Diving board
b.      Bridge
c.       See-saw
d.      Common balance
7.      The value of gravitational acceleration at surface of earth is:
a.       2.1 meter/square second
b.      6.8 meter/square second
c.       9.8 meter/square second
d.      Zero
8.      It is difficult to cook rice:
a.      At the top of a mountain
b.      At Sea level
c.       Under a mine
d.      None of these
9.      The ratio of the weight of an object on surface of earth and moon is:
a.       1/2
b.      1/4
c.       1/6
d.      1/8
10.  The instrument used to see the distant objects on the Earth is:
a.      Terrestrial telescope
b.      Astronomical telescope
c.       Compound microscope
d.      Simple microscope
11.  A dynamo is a device which:
a.       Converts mechanical energy into heat
b.      Coverts electrical energy into heat
c.       Converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
d.      Converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
12.  The elements which are liquid at room temperature:
a.       Mercury & Gallium
b.      Mercury & Cesium
c.       Mercury & Bromine
d.      Mercury & Sodium
13.  The substance such as metals from which wires can be drawn are called:
a.       Mallable
b.      Ductile
c.       Sonorous
d.      Brittle
14.  The substances which can be hammered into thin sheet, are known as:
a.       Mallable
b.      Ductile
c.       Sonorous
d.      Brittle
15.  The only metal which is liquid at room temperature:
a.       Bromine
b.      Gallium
c.       Mercury
d.      Cesium
16.  Which one is not a chemical change?
a.       Rusting of almirah
b.      Electrolysis of water
c.       Burning of fuel
d.      Melting of butter
17.  Which one is known as quick lime?
a.      Calcium Oxide
b.      Calcium Hydroxide
c.       Calcium Carbonate
d.      Calcium Chloride
18.  Which one is known as baking powder?
a.       Sodium Oxide
b.      Sodium Hydroxide
c.       Sodium Carbonate
d.      Sodium Bicarbonate
19.  Alpha particle scattering by gold leaf experiment resulted the invention of:
a.       Electron
b.      Neutron
c.       Proton
d.      Nucleus
20.  Which one is not a sub atomic particle?
a.       Electron
b.      Neutron
c.       Proton

d.      Photon

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