Saturday, 28 September 2013

Computer Awareness-55

         1.     A(n)………camera is a peripheral device used to capture still images in a digital format that can be easily transferred into a computer and manipulated using graphics software.
a.     Digital
b.     Analog
c.      Classic
d.     Film
2.      ……makes it possible for shoppers to make purchases using their computers.
a.      E-world
b.     E-commerce
c.      E-spend
d.     E-business

3.     Networks are monitored by security personnel and supervised by ………who set(s) up accounts and passwords for authorized network users.
a.      IT managers
b.     the government
c.      network administrators
d.     password administrators
4.     Application software is designed to accomplish:
a.      real-world tasks
b.     computer-centric tasks
c.      gaming tasks
d.     operating system tasks
5.     A telephone number, a birth date, and a customer name are all examples of:
a.     a record
b.     data
c.      a file
d.      a database
6.     The human-readable version of a program is called:
a.      source code
b.     program code
c.      human code
d.     system code
7.     A ……… computer (also referred to as a laptop), is a small, lightweight personal computer that incorporates the screen, the keyboard, storage, and processing components into a single portable unit.
a.     Notebook
b.     Journal
c.      Diary
d.     Briefcase
8.     When you save to ………, your data will remain intact even when the computer is turned off.
a.      RAM
b.     Motherboard
c.      secondary storage device
d.     primary storage device
9.     The motherboard is the:
a.      circuit board that houses peripheral devices
b.     same as the CPU chip
c.      the first chip that is accessed when the computer is turned on
d.     circuit board that contains a CPU and other chips
10. A computer-intensive problem runs on a:
a.      Server
b.     main frame
c.      supercomputer
d.     super PC
11.  A(n)……converts and executes one statement at a time.
a.      Compiler
b.     Interpreter
c.      Converter
d.     Instructions
12. The term ……… designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.
a.      digital device
b.     system add-on
c.      disk pack
d.     peripheral device
13. What is MP3?
a.      A mouse
b.     A Printer
c.      A Sound format
d.     A Scanner
14.  ……… this is the act of copying or downloading a program from a network and making multiple copies of it.
a.      Network piracy
b.     Plagiarism
c.      Software piracy
d.     Site-license piracy
15. A directory within a directory is called:
a.      Mini Directory
b.     Junior Directory
c.      Part Directory
d.     Sub Directory
16. Fax machines and imaging systems are examples of:
a.      bar-code readers
b.     imaging systems
c.      scanning devices
d.     pen-based systems
17. Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
a.      Function
b.     Control
c.      Arrow
d.     Space bar
18. A disk’s content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed or erased by the user is:
a.     read-only
b.     memory-only
c.      run-only
d.     write-only
19. In an information system, alphanumeric data normally takes the form of:
a.      Sentences and paragraphs
b.     Numbers and alphabetical characters
c.      Graphic shapes and figures
d.     Human voice and other sounds
20. A Website’s main page is called its:
a.     home page
b.     browser page
c.      search place
d.     bookmark

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