Saturday, 28 September 2013

Computer Awareness-45

1.     _____Is the file format we can use to distribute the document to someone using totally different word processing program from a different software manufacturer, such as word perfect
a.      Word document (.doc)
b.     Rich Text Format (.RTF)
c.      Both (a) and (b)
d.     None of the above
2.      _____Is the Icon to magnify or reduce the display
a.      Print layout
b.     Zoom
c.      View
d.     All of the above
3.      What is text formatting?
a.      Formatting characters and words with in a document
b.     Saving the word document
c.      Both (a) and (b)
d.     None of the above

4.     By default MS-Word 2010 uses a font called
a.      Arial
b.     Times New roman
c.      Tahoma
d.     Caliber
5.     Superscript refers to:
a.      Characters displayed below the line of the normal text
b.     Characters displayed above the line of the normal text
c.      Both (a) and (b)
d.     None 
6.     Subscript refers to:
a.      Characters displayed below the line of the normal text
b.     Characters displayed above the line of the normal text
c.      Both (a) and (b)
d.     None 
7.     You need to find a particular word or phrase and replace this item with alternative text, what is the keyboard shortcut key
a.      Ctrl+G
b.     Ctrl+P
c.      Ctrl+H
d.     Ctrl+F
8.      _____Is the path to create Header/Footer
a.      Insert/Header & Footer
b.     File/Header & Footer
c.      Edit/Header & Footer
d.     None of the above
9.     ______ Is the path to create footnotes
a.      References/footnote
b.     Insert/footnote
c.      Edit/footnote
d.     None 
10.  _____ Is the path to save a document in PDF format
a.      Edit/Save as/PDF/Save
b.     File/Save as/PDF/Save
c.      Both (a) and (b)
d.     None of the above
11. Assembly language is:
a.      Low-level programming language
b.     High level programming language
c.      Machine language
d.     All of the above
12. In Assembly language:
a.      Mnemonics are used to code operations
b.     Alphanumeric symbols are used for addresses
c.      Language lies between high-level language and machine
d.     All of the above
13. The following computer’s memory is characterized by low cost per bit stored–
a.      Primary
b.     Secondary
c.      Hard disk
d.     All of the above
14. The following is true for Auxiliary Storage:
a.      It has an operating speed far slower than that of the primary storage.
b.     It has an operating speed faster than that of the primary storage.
c.      It has an operating speed equivalent than that of the primary storage.
d.     All of the above
15. Following is true for Bandwidth:
a.      The narrow the bandwidth of a communications system the less data it can transmit in a given period of time.
b.     The narrow then bandwidth of a communications system the more data it can transmit in a given period of time.
c.      The wider the bandwidth of a communications system the less data it can transmit in a given period of time.
d.     All of the above
16. Acknowledgement from a computer that a packet of data has been received and verified is known as:
a.      ACK
b.     BCK
c.      ECK
d.     All of the above
17. The following is a communications device (modem) which allows an ordinary telephone to be used with a computer device for data transmission:
a.      Keyboard
b.     Acoustic coupler
c.      Mobile phone
d.     All of the above
18. ALGOL is the
a.      High-level language
b.     Low level language
c.      Machine language
d.     All of the above
19. A high level programming language named after Ada Augusta, coworker with Charles Babbage:
a.      Augustan
b.     Babbage
c.      Ada
d.     Charlie
20. Following is a logic circuit capable of forming the sum of two or more quantities:
a.      Adder
b.     Multiplier
c.      Address

d.     Access

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