Thursday, 19 September 2013

Environmental Science-9

                  1.     Which of the following statement about Fjord is incorrect?
a.     Most Fjords were formed due to raise in sea level after the melting of Pleistocene ice
b.    It is an emergent coast that was originally submerged
c.     It is a long narrow inlet of the sea bound by steep slopes
d.    It is a glaciated valley that has been inundated by the sea

                  2.     Residence time of water molecule in the ocean is:
a.     3.5 years
b.    3.5 million years
c.     35 years
d.    35000 years

                  3.     Hyperplasia means:
a.     excessive motility of a muscle
b.    Voracious eating
c.     Abnormal increase in number of cells
d.    An increase in size of a cell

                  4.     Carbon dioxide absorbs radiation in the range:
a.     5.5 and 7 microns
b.    Greater than 27 microns
c.     8 to 13 microns
d.    0.1 to 30 microns

                  5.     Sodium is usually estimated by which of the following analytical technique:
a.     Flame Photometry
b.    Coulometry
c.     High pressure liquid chromatography
d.    Visible spectrophotometry

                  6.     Which combination of the following elements constitutes a major portion of earth crust:
a.     Oxygen and Silicon
b.    Oxygen and Iron
c.     Silicon and Iron
d.    Aluminium and Iron

                  7.     Maximum Density of water is at:
a.     4°C
b.    0°C
c.     100°C
d.    272°C

                  8.     The cause of lung cancer Mesothalemia is:
a.     Asbestos
b.    Arsenic
c.     Mercury
d.    Chromium

                  9.     Which of the following pattern of evolution accounts for all the diversity present on earth today?
a.     Microevolution
b.    Megaevolution
c.     Biodiversity
d.    Speciation

                  10.  Group of individuals of the same species that share common attributes are called:
a.     Community
b.    Population
c.     Ecotype

d.    Society

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