Wednesday, 4 September 2013

General Knowledge-15

                 1.       Which among the following princely state’s last capital was Udaipur?
a.       Mewar
b.      Nagpur
c.       Bundelgarh
d.      None of these

                  2.       Who founded the Mughal dynasty?
a.       Jahangir
b.      Babar
c.       Akbar
d.      Arungjeb

                  3.       In which city is the National Institute of design located?
a.       Aurangabad
b.      Vijaynagar
c.       Ahmedabad
d.      Hyderabad

                  4.       Who was the first governor general of India?
a.       Linlidgoa
b.      Warren Hastings
c.       Lord Dalhousie
d.      None of these

                  5.       Which of the following country is called the ‘Playground of Europe?
a.       Switzerland
b.      Norway
c.       Austria
d.      New Zealand

                  6.       The South – East Asian city of Yagoon called in British day was______
a.       Zagoon
b.      Rangoon
c.       Red army
d.      None of these

                  7.       Which is the most widely used fiber in the world?
a.       Silk
b.      Rayon
c.       Cotton
d.      Polyester

                  8.       Name the character played by Devika Rani in “Achhut Kenya”?
a.       Sujata
b.      Tulsi
c.       Sharda
d.      Kasturi

                  9.       The instrument measures the height above sea level is……
a.       Hygrometer
b.      Hypsometer
c.       Voltmeter
d.      Ampere meter

                 10.   What does a test tube baby mean?
a.       Transplantation in the uterus
b.      Fertilization in vitro
c.       Fertilization in vitro & then transplantation in the uterus.

d.      None of these

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