Monday, 8 December 2014

General Science-119

  1.      The earth rotates around its axis from:
a.       North to south               
b.      East to west
c.       South to north    
d.      West to east
  2.      The mean radius of the earth is approximately:
a.       3200 km
b.      6400 km
c.       9600 km
d.      12800 km
  3.      The earth is at the least distance from the sun (Perihelion) on: 
a.       December 22nd 
b.      January 3rd
c.       July 4th
d.      June 21st
  4.      The earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion) on: 
a.       June 21st   
b.      January 3rd
c.       July 4th
d.      September 23rd

  5.      One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of:
a.       34.5 miles                           
b.      50 miles
c.       60 miles
d.      69 miles 
  6.      The Tropic of Cancer passes through:
a.       India and Iran          
b.      Iran and Pakistan
c.       India and Saudi Arabia
d.      India and Japan
  7.      Lunar eclipse occurs on:
a.       New moon
b.      Full moon
c.       Half moon
d.      Quarter moon
  8.      Solar eclipse occurs when:
a.       Earth comes between sun and moon
b.      Moon is at right angle to the earth
c.       Moon comes between sun and earth
d.      Sun comes between moon and earth
  9.      The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through: 
a.       Egypt
b.      Mexico
c.       Oman
d.      Yemen
  10.  The difference between IST and GMT is:
a.       2 hours                 
b.      4 hours 30 minutes
c.       5 hours 30 minutes 
d.      6 hours
  11.  The Sea breeze blows during: 
a.       Day from land to sea
b.      Day from sea to land
c.       Night from land to sea
d.      Night from sea to land 
  12.  Which one among the following is a high cloud?
a.      Cirrus  
b.      Cumulonimbus
c.       Nimbostratus
d.      Stratus
  13.  Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth’s surface?
a.       Desert Ecosystem           
b.      Grassland Ecosystem
c.       Mountain Ecosystem
d.      Marine Ecosystem
  14.  The hottest place in the world is:
a.       Tehran, Iran
b.      Jaisalmer, India
c.       Dallol, Ethiopia         
d.      Azizia, Libya
  15.  Which climatic region has the least temperature range?
a.      Equatorial region         
b.      Monsoon region
c.       Tropical region 
d.      Mediterranean region
  16.  High mean temperature, high relative humidity and heavy rainfall (well distributed all over the year) are the characteristic features of the:
a.       Monsoon region  
b.      Mediterranean region
c.        Equatorial region 
d.      Savanna region
  17.  Which of the following is fastest growing tree?
a.       Teak 
b.      Sal
c.       Eucalyptus 
d.      Banyan
  18.  The lowest winter temperature in the northern hemisphere is of:
a.       Ottawa
b.      Mexico city
c.       Moscow
d.      Verkhoyansk
  19.  In which type of rocks are coal and petroleum found?
a.       Granite
b.      Igneous
c.       Metamorphic
d.      Sedimentary
  20.  The most ideal conditions for the chemical weathering are found in:
a.       Cold and dry regions 
b.      Cold and humid regions
c.       Hot and dry regions

d.      Hot and humid regions 

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