Thursday, 19 September 2013

Environmental Science-11

                  1.     In the analysis of 15 water samples, Ca and Mg gave a correlation of +0.95. It means:
a.     Ca came from soil and Mg came from biota
b.    Ca and Mg both came from the same type of water
c.     Ca and Mg are both cogenetic
d.    Ca and Mg came from different sources.

                  2.     Climatic stress is caused by insufficient and/or excessive regime of:
a.     Temperature
b.    Humidity
c.     Solar radiation
d.    All the above

                  3.     The chemical that is used to ripen mangoes is:
a.     Calcium sulphide
b.    Calcium carbide
c.     Calcium carbonate
d.    Calcium chloride

                  4.     Organisms that generate energy using light are:
a.     Oligotrophs
b.    Chaemorganotrophs
c.     Chaemolithotrophs
d.    Photoautotrophs

                  5.     Land use pattern is usually studied by the following technique:
a.     Aerial photography
b.    Satellite imaging
c.     Satellite imaging and G. I. S.
d.    Satellite imaging, G. I. S. and G.P. S.

                  6.     To conserve coral reefs the Govt, of India declared one of the following as Marine Park:
a.     Gulf of Kutch
b.    Lakshadweep islands
c.     Gulf of Mannar
d.    Andaman Islands

                  7.     Which one of the following does not contribute to conservation of water?
a.     Waste water treatment
b.    Waste land development
c.     Water shed protection
d.    Rain water harvesting

                  8.     Identify the correct chronological sequence (oldest to youngest) in the order of their formation:
a.     Pacific ocean > Atlantic Ocean > Mediterranean Sea > Indian Ocean
b.    Pacific ocean > Atlantic Ocean > Indian Ocean > Mediterranean Sea
c.     Atlantic ocean > Pacific Ocean >Indian Ocean > Mediterranean Sea
d.    Atlantic ocean > Pacific Ocean >Mediterranean Sea > Indian Ocean

                  9.     Movement of individual rock masses along structural planes such as bedding, joints and faults on a                    slope is known as:
a.     debris slide
b.    slump
c.     rock slide
d.    soil creep

                 10.  Which one of the following statement is true of braided streams?
a.     Width of the channel is less than its depth
b.    Width and depth of the channel are equal
c.     Width of the channel is greater than its depth

d.    Width of the channel is unrelated to its depth

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