Saturday, 18 October 2014

General Science-101

      1.      Generally the time taken for a secondary succession to reach climax stage is:
a.       50-100 yrs.
b.      150-200 yrs.
c.       250-300 yrs.
d.      350-400 yrs.
     2.      The philosophy behind the existence of a community is:
a.      Interaction
b.      Co-existence
c.       Helotism
d.      Dominance by some
      3.      The sum of the population of the same kind constitutes a:
a.      Species
b.      Genus
c.       Colony
d.      Community

      4.      What could be the meeting point of biological and ecological hierarchies?
a.      Organism
b.      Population
c.       Family
d.      Genus
      5.      Plants which are attached to stones and rocks:
a.       Aerophytes
b.      Psammophytes
c.       Halophytes
d.      Lithophytes
      6.      A community is:
a.       Autotrophs and heterotrophs
b.      Collection of plants and animals
c.       Organisms living in a habitat
d.      Web of life
      7.      Plants growing well in hill crevices are:
a.       Lithophytes
b.      Ermophytes
c.       Chasmophytes
d.      Psammophytes
      8.      One of the following relationships is useful to one organism and of no significance to other:
a.      Commensalism
b.      Parasitism
c.       Mutualism
d.      Amensalism
      9.      Which of the following is a negative interaction between the populations?
a.       Symbiosis
b.      Mutualism
c.       Parasitism
d.      Commensalism
     10.  An ecological community is an assemblage of:
a.       Food webs
b.      Food chains
c.       Closely related species
d.      Interacting population
     11.  The conversion of a lake to a terrestrial community is a form of:
a.      Primary succession
b.      Secondary succession
c.       Late secondary succession
d.      None of the above
     12.  Growth of Tagetes frees the soil of:
a.      Most nematodes
b.      Most weeds
c.       Most pathogens
d.      Fungal pathogens
     13.  Relationship between water-fern Azolla and nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena is:
a.       Parasitic
b.      Symbiotic
c.       Predation
d.      Competition
     14.  Gause's hypothesis/principle is related to:
a.       Principle of competitive exclusion
b.      Niche specialization
c.       Inter-specific competition
d.      All of the above
     15.  The relationship between one species and another within a community that has evolved through interactions is based upon:
a.       Requirement and mode of obtaining food only
b.      Requirement and mode of obtaining shelter only
c.       On the habits of the species only
d.      All of the above
     16.  Antelopes are:
a.       Fungivorous
b.      Herbivores
c.       Carnivorous
d.      None of the above
     17.  The kind of climax community in an area depends mostly on:
a.       food of available colonist
b.      soil organisms
c.       climate
d.      bed rock
     18.  Information of birth rate, death rate, ex ratio, age distribution of population can be got from:
a.       Nasality table
b.      Mortality table
c.       Age distribution table
d.      Life table
     19.  In a population where competition between individuals is severe than the distribution is said to be:
a.      Random
b.      Uniform
c.       Regular
d.      Non-random
     20.  Generally succession leads to a climax community composed of:
a.       Grasses
b.      Shrubs
c.       Herbaceous

d.      Trees flora

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