Friday, 17 October 2014

General Science-98

       1.      Which of the following metals forms an amalgam with other metals?
a.       Lead
b.      Tin
c.       Zinc
d.      Mercury   
      2.      The substance which has recently received greater attention in investigations concerning diseases of the heart and blood vessels is:
a.       Protein
b.      Fats
c.       Glycerol
d.      Cholesterol
       3.      Pneumonia is caused by:
a.       Virus
b.      Fungi
c.       Bacteria
d.      Algae

       4.      The red colour of Red Sea is because of:
a.       Red algae
b.      Cephaleuros
c.       Brown algae
d.      Trichodesmium erythrium
       5.      Which one of the following is commonly called ‘Edible sponge mushroom’?
a.       Sargassum
b.      Morchella
c.       Agaricus
d.      Polyporus
       6.      The most important part of a green plant is:
a.       Stalk
b.      Leaf
c.       Root
d.      Flower
       7.      The movement of water molecular from one cell to another depends on:
a.      Osmotic concentration
b.      Turgor pressure
c.       Wall pressure
d.      Plasma pressure
       8.      Which one of the following gases is considered as atmospheric pollutant?
a.       Oxygen
b.      Ozone
c.       SO2
d.      Nitrogen
       9.      Gaseous exchange between old corky stem and internal, tissue takes place through:
a.       Xylem
b.      Phloem
c.       Lenticels
d.      Stomata
       10.  The branch of the science dealing with the study of human skin is called:
a.       Physiology
b.      Pathology
c.       Anatomy
d.      Dermatology
       11.  Teratology is the branch of biology which deals with the study of:
a.       Extra-embryonic membrane
b.      Post-embryonic development
c.       Abnormal development after birth or Hatching
d.      Abnormal development during embryo Genesis
       12.  Which of the following can be used for Biological control of mosquitoes?
a.        Oil
b.      Ointments
c.       D. D. T.
d.      Gambusia
       13.  The total number of muscles in the human body is:
a.       525
b.      639
c.       373
d.      457
       14.  The function of the tapetum in the anther is:
a.       Protective
b.      Productive
c.       Nutritive
d.      Decorative
       15.  The language of Honey-bees was decoded by:
a.       Carolus Linnaeus
b.      William Harvey
c.       Karl Von Frisch
d.      Charles Darwin
       16.  What is the name of the longest bone of Thigh?
a.       Vistula
b.      Femur
c.       Fibula
d.      Humerus
        17.  Deficiency of Vitamin ‘C’ causes:
a.       Rheumatism a
b.      Kidney malfunction
c.       Scurvy
d.      Respiratory disease
        18.  Diseases transmitted by the head louse is:
a.       Plague
b.      Rabies
c.       Scurvy
d.      Typhoid
       19.  The main function of white blood corpuscles in the body is:
a.       To carry food
b.      To help in the formation of clot
c.       To carry oxygen
d.      To protect the body against diseases
       20.  Blood Plasma is composed chiefly of:
a.      Water
b.      The hormone component
c.       The antibody component

d.      Haemoglobin

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