Tuesday, 14 October 2014

General Science-90

        1.      The type of glass used in making lenses and prisms is?
a.       soft glass
b.      pyrex glass
c.       jena glass
d.      flint glass
        2.      Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of?
a.       Paint
b.       Paper
c.        Ink
d.       Gun powder
        3.      How does common salt help in separating soap from the solution after saponification?
a.       By decreasing solubility of soap
b.       By increasing solubility of soap
c.        By decreasing density of soap
d.       By increasing density of soap

        4.      Which of the following is commonly called a ‘polyamide’?
a.       Rayon
b.       Orlon
c.        Terylene
d.       Nylon
        5.      The major ingredient of leather is?
a.       Carbohydrate
b.       Collagen
c.        Polymer
d.       Nucleic acid
        6.      In the manufacture of safety matches, which of the following materials are used to coat the two sides of match boxes?
1.     Yellow phosphorus
2.     Glue
3.     Glass powder
4.     Red phosphorus
 a.       l, 2 and 3
b.       l,3 and 4
c.        l,2 and 4
d.       2,3 and 4
        7.      Glass is made of the mixture of?
a.       quartz and mica
b.       sand and salt
c.        sand and silicates
d.       None of these
        8.      Epoxy resins are used as
a.       moth repellants
b.       insecticides
c.        detergents
d.       adhesives
        9.      What is condensation?
a.       Change of gas into solid
b.       Change of solid into liquid
c.        Change of vapour into liquid
d.       Change of heat energy into cooling energy
       10.  Which of the following are true regarding a catalyst?
       1. It is a substance which increases the rate of reaction.
       2. It is a substance which reduces the activation energy.
       3. It is a substance which increases the activation energy.
       4. It is a substance which is consumed in the reaction.
a.       l and 2
b.       2 and 3
c.        3 and 4
d.       l and 4
       11.  Which of the following is a physical change?
a.       Oxidation
b.       Reduction
c.        Sublimation
d.       Decomposition
        12.  A substance which changes readily into vapour without heating is called?
a.       Efflorescent
b.       Synthetic
c.        Volatile
d.       Effervescent
         13.  Catalytic properties of a substance may be best defined as a phenomenon of?
a.       Absorption
b.       Chemisorptions
c.        Adsorption
d.       None of these
         14.  In which of the following processes light energy is converted into chemical energy?
a.       Respiration
b.       Fermentation
c.        Photosynthesis
d.       Photorespiration
        15.  Photosynthesis is?
a.       an exothermic process
b.       an endothermic process
c.        a neutral process
d.       a thermostatic process
        16.  Combustion is the process in which?
a.       heat is produced.
b.       light is produced.
c.        heat and light are produced.
d.       None of these
        17.  The chemical used as a ‘fixer’ in photography is
a.       Borax
b.       sodium thiosulphate
c.        sodium sulphate
d.        ammonium persulphate
        18.  The rate of chemical reaction does not depend upon?
a.       Concentration
b.       Catalyst
c.        Temperature
d.       Pressure
        19.  Which of the following is a chemical change?
a.       Magnetization of iron
b.       Melting of ice
c.        Burning of sulphur
d.       Melting of wax
        20.  Which of the following substances undergoes chemical change on heating?
a.       Sodium chloride
b.       Silica
c.        Lead nitrate

d.       Platinum wire

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