Tuesday, 14 October 2014

General Science-88

     1.       Which of the following is the most penetrating radiation rays:
a.       Alpha Rays
b.      Beta Rays
c.       Gamma Rays
d.      Delta Rays
           2.       What is the source of fuel for a nuclear reactor?
a.       Uranium
b.      Iron
c.       Carbon
d.      Calcium
           3.       Water has a pH:
a.       Acidic
b.      Basic
c.       Neutral
d.      Both Acidic & Basic

           4.       Which among the following is least flammable:
a.       Silk
b.      Nylon
c.       Rayon
d.      Cotton
           5.       What are the major components of LPG?
a.       Ethane and Hexane
b.      Ethane and oxygen
c.       Butane and Propane
d.      None of these
            6.       Which gas is used to make vegetable ghee?
a.       Helium
b.      Oxygen
c.       Hydrogen
d.      Nitrogen
           7.       Which gas is used in fire extinguishers?
a.       Carbon-dioxide
b.      Nitrogen
c.       Hydrogen
d.      Carbon monoxide
           8.       Which substance is added to make natural rubber more strong and spongy?
a.       Sulphur
b.      Sponge
c.       Chlorine
d.      Polythene
           9.       Which pollutants are responsible for maximum damage to the ozone layer?
a.       Hydrocarbon
b.      Chloro Floro Carbons
c.       Carbon Dioxide
d.      Nitrous Oxide
           10.   Bronze is an alloy of:
a.       Copper and Zinc
b.      Iron and Copper
c.       Tin and Zinc
d.      Copper and Tin
           11.   Which acid is used in lead battery?
a.       Nitric Acid
b.      Sulphuric Acid
c.       Hydrochloric Acid
d.      Acetic Acid
           12.   The best conductor of heat is:
a.       Iron
b.      Aluminum
c.       Copper
d.      Silver
           13.   Food is cooked faster in pressure cooker because
a.       Heat cannot escape from cooker
b.      Steam is hotter than boiling water
c.       Due to high pressure the boiling point of water is raised
d.      In the cooker water starts boiling at a low temperature
           14.   Rusting of iron is an example of :
a.       Absorption
b.      Oxidation
c.       Reduction
d.      Radiation
           15.   The gas inside an electric bulb is:
a.       Air
b.      Oxygen
c.       Nitrogen
d.      Carbon dioxide
           16.   Which among the following is an electric conductor:
a.       Shellac
b.      Human body
c.       Glass
d.      Ebonite
           17.   Which gas is used in ripening of fruits?
a.       Methane
b.      Hydrogen
c.       Ammonia
d.      Ethylene
           18.   Optical fibre is mainly used in:
a.       Eye Surgery
b.      Weaving
c.       Tele Communication
d.      Musical Instruments
           19.   Which metal is added to iron to form steel?
a.       Nickel
b.      Chromium
c.       Aluminum
d.      Zinc
            20.   In which industry Heavy water is used?
a.       Sugar
b.      Atomic Energy
c.       Textile Industry
d.      Steel Industry

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