Friday, 5 December 2014

General Science-117

  1.     Which of the following vitamins is stored in the liver?
a.     Vitamin A
b.    Vitamin C
c.     Vitamin E
d.    Vitamin K

  2.     Which of the following is needed by a person suffering from diabetes?
a.     Antibiotics
b.    Insulin
c.     Penicillin
d.    Streptomycin

  3.     An element common to all acids is:
a.     Oxygen
b.    Hydrogen
c.     Sulphur
d.    Chlorine

  4.     Which of the following statements relating to sound and light is true?
a.     Light is a form of kinetic energy, whereas sound is a form of potential energy.
b.    Light can be reflected but sound cannot be.
c.     Light travels faster in air than sound does.
d.    Sound travels in waves but light does not.

  5.     Friction can be reduced by changing over from:
a.     sliding to rolling
b.    rolling to sliding
c.     potential energy to kinetic energy
d.    dynamic to static

  6.     Which of the following is a physical change?
a.     Oxidation
b.    Reduction
c.     Decomposition
d.    Sublimation

  7.     Pressure cooker cooks rice faster because:
a.      it always lets the steam escape
b.    high pressure crushes the hard covering of rice grains
c.     it does not let the heat energy escape easily
d.    high pressure raises the boiling point of water

  8.     The isotopes of an element contain the same number of:
a.     neutrons and protons
b.    protons but different number of neutrons
c.     neutrons and protons but different number of electrons
d.    neutrons and electrons but different number if protons

  9.     The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by:
a.     Charles Darwin
b.    Gregor Mendel
c.     J. B. Lamarck
d.    Weismann

  10.  Which one of the following is not allied to Geophysical Sciences?
a.     Hydrology
b.    Meteorology
c.     Palaeontology
d.    Seismology

  11.  Brain of a normal human adult weighs about:
a.     1 lb
b.    2 lb
c.     3 lb
d.    4 lb

  12.  Photophobia is:
a.     a disease caused by too much sunlight
b.    abnormal intolerance of light
c.     the adjustment of the eye for light
d.    the ability to perceive light

  13.  Which one of the following elements is least likely to be found in commercial fertilizers?
a.     Nitrogen
b.    Phosphorus
c.     Potassium
d.    Silicon

  14.  Lime is sometimes applied to soil in order to:
a.      increase the alkalinity of the soil
b.    increase the acidity of the soil
c.     restore nitrates to the soil
d.    make the soil more porous

  15.  An element found in all organic compounds is:
a.     Oxygen
b.    Calcium
c.     Nitrogen
d.    Carbon

  16.  Most commonly used bleaching agent is:
a.     Alcohol
b.    Carbon  dioxide
c.     Chlorine
d.    Sodium chloride\

  17.  In which season do we need more fast?
a.     Rainy season
b.    Spring
c.     Winter
d.    Summer

  18.  Which out of the following organs dies not eliminate waste products from the body?
a.     Large intestine
b.    Liver
c.     Kidney
d.    Skin

  19.  Superconductivity is a phenomenon in which the resistance of a substance:
a.     increases with temperature
b.    decreases with temperature
c.     does not change with temperature
d.    becomes zero at very low temperature

  20.  Liquids transmit pressure equally in all directions. This is known as:
a.     Boyle-Pascal’s Law
b.    Pascal’s Law
c.     Archimedes’ Principal

d.    None of the above

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