Monday, 8 December 2014

General Awareness-12

1.     "Contours' are lines connecting places having:
a.     Equal temperature
b.    Equal pressure
c.     Equal rainfall
d.    Equal height
2.     Which type of forest belt supplies most of the world's requirement of newsprint?
a.     Coniferous forest
b.    Deciduous forest
c.     Evergreen forest
d.    Mediterranean forest
3.     The leading producer of Sulphur is:
a.     Canada
b.    U. S.A
c.     Spain
d.    Italy
4.     Rhine valley in France is known for mineral deposits of:
a.     Zinc
b.    Nickel
c.     Copper
d.    Bauxite

5.     Which of the following forms of coal is the oldest?
a.     Peat
b.    Lignite
c.     Bituminous
d.    Anthracite
6.     Geostationary orbit is at a height of:
a.     6 Km
b.    1000 Km
c.     3600 Km
d.    36000 Km
7.     The earth rotates around an axis pointing towards:
a.     the moon
b.    the polestar
c.     the sun
d.    the venus
8.     In how many time zones has the world been divided?
a.     15
b.    24
c.     90
d.    180
9.     Which of the following is the most destructive?
a.     Cyclone
b.    Tornado
c.     Typhoon
d.    Willy-willy
10.  Which of the following rocks are transformed into marbles?
a.     Granite
b.    Limestone
c.     Peat
d.    Shale
11.  Earthquake rarely occur in:
a.     Alaska
b.    Brazil
c.     Mexico
d.    New Zealand
12.  Caldera is a feature associated with:
a.     Volcanoes
b.    Earthquakes
c.     Folding of rocks
d.    Faulting of mountains
13.  Which of the following is a warm ocean current?
a.     Kuroshio
b.    Peruvian
c.     Labrador
d.    None of these
14.  Which of the following is a cold current?
a.     Kuroshio
b.    Benezuela
c.     Brazil
d.    Gulf stream
15.  The world's deepest trench is in:
a.     Pacific ocean
b.    Indian ocean
c.     Atlantic ocean
d.    Mediterranean sea
16.  Shekel is the currency of:
a.     Brunei
b.    Israel
c.     Jordan
d.    Myanmar
17.  The natural vegetation of Savanna consists of:
a.     tall grass
b.    shrub jungle
c.     short grass
d.    trees
18.  The hot deserts of the world are generally found near:
a.     the equator
b.    the doldrums
c.     the horse latitude
d.    the tundras
19.  The strait which separates Africa from Europe is:
a.     Hook strait
b.    Strait of Gibraltar
c.     Palk strait
d.    Bering strait
20.  Which is not an island?
a.     Cuba
b.    Greenland
c.     Ireland

d.    Sweden

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