Friday, 5 December 2014

General Science-119

  1.     The life history of human malarial parasite in Anopheles was first described by:
a.     Patrick Manson
b.    Laveran
c.     Ronald Ross
d.    Richard Peiffer

  2.     Which of the following is based on the process of fusion?
a.     Atom bomb
b.    Hydrogen bomb
c.     Ordinary bomb
d.    Napalm bomb

  3.     Hybridization is:
a.     downward movement of water through soil
b.    a process of tilling the land
c.     decayed vegetable matter
d.    cross-fertilization between two varieties

  4.     Of the following foods, which one is the best source of protein?
a.     Butter
b.    Fish
c.     Lettuce
d.    Milk

  5.     The volume of which of the following materials decreases when it is heated from 0°C to 5°C?
a.     Air
b.    Copper
c.     Water
d.    Mercury

  6.     On a night when the sky is clear, the temperature may dip considerably; on a cloudy night the temperature will usually dip much less. The reason for this difference is that:
a.      the clear sky allows radiant energy to escape readily from the earth
b.    on a cloudy night the clouds are warm and therefore retard the cooling
c.     the clear sky allows the cold of outer space to reach the earth
d.    currents of air carry the heat away from the earth on a clear night

  7.     Which of the following chemicals is useful in photography?
a.     Aluminium hydroxide
b.    Potassium nitrate
c.     Silver bromide
d.    Sodium chloride

  8.     The purest form of water can be obtained from:
a.     a deep tubewell
b.    a running stream
c.     a hot water spring
d.    a heavy shower of rain

  9.     Free surface of a liquid behaves like a sheet and tends to contract to the smallest possible area due to the:
a.     force of adhesion
b.    force of friction
c.     centrifugal force
d.    force of cohesion

 10.  If speed of rotation of the earth increases, weight of the body:
a.     Increases
b.    remains unchanged
c.     decreases
d.    may decrease or increase

  11.  The buoyancy depends on:
a.     the shape of the body
b.    the mass of the body
c.     the mass of the liquid displaced
d.    the depth to which the body is immersed

  12.  The working of a rocket is based on the principle of:
a.     Electricity
b.    Kepler’s Law
c.     Newton’s Law
d.    conservation of momentum

  13.  Acceleration is the rate of change of:
a.     Direction
b.    Distance
c.     Speed
d.    Weight

  14.  A body falling freely from a height towards the earth moves with uniform:
a.     Speed
b.    velocity
c.     acceleration
d.    weight

  15.  Escape velocity of a rocket fired from the earth towards the moon is a velocity to get rid of the:
a.     earth’s gravitational pull
b.    moon’s gravitational pull
c.     centripetal force due to the earth’s rotation
d.    pressure of the atmosphere

  16.  The number of chromosomes in human body is:
a.     42
b.    44
c.     46
d.    48

  17.  The drug quinine is used in the treatment of:
a.     bubonic plague
b.    malaria
c.     typhus
d.    yellow fever

  18.  Reproductive cell in normal human beings are produced:
a.     in greater numbers for a longer period of time in the male
b.    for a longer period in the female than in the male
c.     in equal numbers in both sexes.
d.     in greater  numbers by the female then by the male

  19.  The conservation of hawks and owls is important to mankind chiefly because these birds eat:
a.     numerous weed seeds
b.    harmful birds
c.     many harmful rodents
d.    harmful reptiles
  20.  If the plane of the earth’s equator were not inclined to the plane of the earth’s orbit:
a.     the year would be longer
b.    the winters would be longer
c.     there would be no change of seasons
            d. the summers would be warmer

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