Monday, 8 December 2014

General Awareness-14

  1.      The equator cuts through which of the following islands:
a.       Madagascar 
b.      Tasmania
c.       Java                                   
d.      Borneo

  2.      Which State has the largest coastline in India?
a.      Gujarat
b.      Tamil Nadu
c.       Karnataka     
d.      Andhra Pradesh

  3.      Which of the following latitudes passes through India?
a.       Equator                       
b.      Arctic Circle
c.       Tropic of Capricorn  
d.      Tropic of Cancer

  4.      Which one of the following countries has the longest international boundary with India?
a.      Bangladesh 
b.      Bhutan
c.       China   
d.      Pakistan

General Awareness-13

  1.      A V- shaped valley is a feature produced by:
a.      Youthful river
b.      Mature river
c.       Old river
d.      All of the above

  2.      Moon shaped sand-dunes, formed by wind action are called:
a.       Cirque
b.      Bajada
c.       Barkhans                               
d.      Mesa 

  3.      Which of the following is the highest plateau in the world?
a.       Colorado Plateau
b.      Pamir Plateau
c.       Patagonia Plateau     
d.      Potwar Plateau

  4.      Longest mountain range in the world is:
a.       Himalayas           
b.      Andes
c.       Karakoram
d.      Ural mountains

General Science-119

  1.      The earth rotates around its axis from:
a.       North to south               
b.      East to west
c.       South to north    
d.      West to east
  2.      The mean radius of the earth is approximately:
a.       3200 km
b.      6400 km
c.       9600 km
d.      12800 km
  3.      The earth is at the least distance from the sun (Perihelion) on: 
a.       December 22nd 
b.      January 3rd
c.       July 4th
d.      June 21st
  4.      The earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion) on: 
a.       June 21st   
b.      January 3rd
c.       July 4th
d.      September 23rd

General Awareness-12

1.     "Contours' are lines connecting places having:
a.     Equal temperature
b.    Equal pressure
c.     Equal rainfall
d.    Equal height
2.     Which type of forest belt supplies most of the world's requirement of newsprint?
a.     Coniferous forest
b.    Deciduous forest
c.     Evergreen forest
d.    Mediterranean forest
3.     The leading producer of Sulphur is:
a.     Canada
b.    U. S.A
c.     Spain
d.    Italy
4.     Rhine valley in France is known for mineral deposits of:
a.     Zinc
b.    Nickel
c.     Copper
d.    Bauxite

General Awareness-11

1.     Which is not a Tundra type of vegetation?
a.     Sedges
b.    Steppes
c.     Mosses
d.    Lichens
2.     The Mediterranean lands are often called the world's:
a.     grazing lands
b.    forest lands
c.     orchard lands
d.    paddy lands
3.     Which of the following regions gets no rainfall throughout the year?
a.     The Equatorial Region
b.    The Tundra Region
c.     The Himalayan Region
d.    The Mediterranean Region
4.     Cuba is in:
a.     Pacific Ocean
b.    Atlantic Ocean
c.     Black sea
d.    Red sea

Friday, 5 December 2014

General Science-118

  1.     An eye defect which usually results from an unequal curvature of the cornea is:
a.     Nearsightedness
b.    Astigmatism
c.     colour blindness
d.    night blindness

  2.     The velocity of sound in air (under normal conditions) is:
a.     30 m / sec
b.    320 m / sec
c.     332 m / sec
d.    3,320 m / sec
  3.     A photo-electric cell converts:
a.      sound energy into electrical energy
b.    light energy into electrical energy
c.     an electrical signal into sound waves
d.    electrical energy into light energy

  4.     Which of the following sounds cannot be heard by human ear?
a.     300 vibrations / sec
b.    1,000 vibrations / sec
c.     10,000 vibrations / sec
d.    30,000 vibrations / sec

  5.     Exposure to sunlight helps a person improve his health because:
a.     the infra-red light kills bacteria in the body    
b.    resistance power increases
c.     the pigment cells in the skin get stimulated and produce a healthy tan
d.    the ultraviolet rays convert skin oil into Vitamin D

General Science-120

  1.     Which of the following vitamins is helpful for coagulation of blood?
a.     C
b.    D
c.     E
d.    K

  2.     For purifying drinking water, alum is used:
a.     for coagulation of mud particles
b.    to kill bacteria
c.     to remove salts
d.    to remove gases
  3.     A weather balloon is not fully inflated on the ground because:
a.     if the balloon is fully inflated, it may not remain stable in a storm
b.    the air inside the balloon expands as it rises and may burst
c.     it cannot withstand the outside pressure if fully inflated
d.    None of these
  4.     Vitamin B12 is most useful for combating:
a.     Anaemia
b.    Goiter
c.     Night blindness
d.    Rickets

  5.     A transistor is most likely to be found in a:
a.     Fuse
b.    fluorescent lamp
c.     hearing aid
d.    wrist watch