Saturday, 17 August 2013

Environmental Science-5

1. Parasitic plant
a. Mushroom
b. Cuscutta
c. Nepanthes
d. Beans

2. Sugar is form of ______________
a. Protein
b. Carbohydrate
c. Fat
d. Water

3. The Composition of Nitrogen in air is
a. 20.95%
b. 30.02%
c. 78.08%
d. 70.08%

4. Green house gas _____________
a. Co
b. Co2
c. So2
d. No2

5. Gobar gas contains
a. Methane and Ethane
b. Propane and Butane
c. Propane and Methane
d. Butane and Methane

6. In India ‘Manganese’ is largely found in __________ State
a. Bihar
b. Orissa
c. Madyapradesh
d. Jharkhand

7. The satellite launching station located in Andra Pradesh
a. Thumba
b. Shriharikotta
c. Hasan
d. Chandipur

8. Which of the following is a biodegradable waste?
a. Plastics
b. Polythene
c. Glass
d. None of these

9. How much percentage of water in the oceans is drinkable?
a. 97.2%
b. 2.15%
c. 0.65%
d. 0.0%

10. What is BOD5?
a. Biochemical Oxygen Demand in 5 hrs
b. Biochemical Oxygen Demand in 5 days
c. Biochemical Oxygen Demand in 5 months
d. Biochemical Oxygen Demand in 5 minutes

* answers will be updated soon.