Sunday, 4 August 2013

Computer Awareness-36

    1.     A person needs to design invitation card. What type of computer program is suitable?
a.      MS-Word   
b.     Desktop Publishing
c.      Simulation   
d.     Accounting
    2.     The term that we use to describe physical components of the system
a.      Hardware   
b.     Input
c.      Software   
d.     Output
    3.     Which of the following is different from other?
a.      Internet   
b.     Windows
c.      Unix   
d.     Linux

    4.     QWERTY is used with reference to :
a.      Monitor   
b.     Printer
c.      Keyboard   
d.     Mouse
    5.     What is object of UPS?
a.      Using for storage
b.     To increase the speed of a computer
c.      Provides backup power
d.     All of these
    6.     CPU capacity can be measured in
a.      BPS   
b.     MIPS
c.      MHz   
d.     MPI
    7.     In processing cheques which of the following I/O techniques have banks traditionally followed?
a.      OCR   
b.     MICR
c.      Barcode  
d.     VRT
    8.     "Zipping" a fie means
a.      Encrypting the message
b.     Compressing the message
c.      Transfer the message
d.     All of these   
    9.     What is the ultimate purpose of Defragmentation?
a.      Make the PC faster   
b.     Create More Free Space
c.      Delete temporary files
d.     Reduce Power consumption
    10. Computers process data into information by working exclusively with :
a.      multimedia   
b.     words
c.      characters  
d.     numbers
    11. You must install a (n) ......... on a network if you want to share a broadband Internet connection
a.     router   
b.     modem
c.      node   
d.     cable
    12. The purpose of the primary key in a database is to:
a.      unlock the database
b.     provide a map of the data
c.      uniquely identify a record
d.     establish constraints on database operations
    13. A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to ..........
a.      680 KB   
b.     680 Bytes
c.      680 MB   
d.     680 GB
     14. Which programming languages are classified as low level languages?
a.      Basic, COBOL, FORTRAN
b.     Prolog 2, Expert Systems
c.      Knowledge based Systerms
d.     Assembly Languages
    15. Which of the following devices have a limitation that we can only store information to it but cannot erase or modify it?
a.      Floppy Disk   
b.     Hard Disk
c.      Tape Drive   
d.     CDROM
    16. Which of the following is the largst manufacturer of Hard Disk Drives?
a.      IBM   
b.     Seagate
c.      Microsoft   
d.     3M
    17. The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as
a.      Hardware   
b.     Software
c.      Firmware   
d.     ROM ware.
    18. To save a document in different location use :
a.      Save    
b.     Save as
c.      Save as web page   
d.     All of above
    19. Which of the following is not an manufacturer of Hard Disk drives?
a.      Samsung   
b.     Intel
c.      Seagate   
d.     Western Digital
    20. The two basic types of record - access methods are
a.      Sequential and random
b.     Sequential and indexed
c.      Direct and immediate

d.     On-line and real time