Saturday, 3 August 2013

Computer Awareness-30

    1.     A compiler translates a program written in a high - level language into ........
a.      Machine language       
b.     An algorithm
c.      A debugged program   
d.     Java
    2.     A set of step - by - step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a(n):
a.      algorithm   
b.     hardware program
c.      software bug   
d.     firmware program
    3.     A complete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components on a small silicon chip is called a(n) ......
a.      Workstation   
b.      CPU
c.      Magnetic disk   
d.     Integrated circuit

    4.     A saved document is referred to as a .....
a.      file   
b.     word
c.      folder   
d.     project
    5.     What is output?
a.      What the processor takes from the user
b.     What the user gives to the processor
c.      What the processor gets from the user
d.     What the processor gives to the user
    6.     When you turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test ........
a.      RAM test   
b.     Disk drive test
c.      Memory test   
d.     Power - on self-test
    7.     Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only?
a.      Floppy disk   
b.     Magnetic disk
c.      Magnetic tape   
d.     Optical disk
    8.     In word processing, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th paragraph is ........
a.      copy and paste   
b.     copy, cut and paste
c.      cut, copy and paste
d.     cut and paste
    9.     Hardware includes ..........
a.      all devices used to input data into a computer
b.     sets of instructions that  a computer runs or executes
c.      the computer and all the devices connected to it that are used to input and output data
d.     all devices involved in processing information including the central processing unit, memory and storage
    10. The quickest and easiest way in Word, to locate a particular word or phrase in a document is to use the ....... command
a.      Replace   
b.     Find
c.      Lookup   
d.     Search
    11. The term 'user interface' refers to ............
a.      What the user sees on the screen and how they can interact with it
b.     How the operating system responds to user commands
c.      the means by which the user interacts with the peripheral devices on the computer
d.     the monitor that is available for the computer
    12. For creating a document, you use ........ command at File Menu.
a.      Open   
b.     Close
c.      New   
d.     Save
    13. The .............. becomes different shapes depending on the task you are performing
a.      Active tab   
b.     Insertion point
c.      Mouse pointer   
d.     Ribbon
    14. Specilizd programs that asist users in locating information on the Web are called ....
a.      Information engines   
b.     Search engines
c.      Web browsers   
d.     Resource locators
    15. .The background of any Word document ......
a.      Is always white colour
b.     Is the colour you presect under the Options menu
c.      Is always the same for the entire document
d.     Can have any colour you choose
    16. Correcting errors in a program is referred to as .........
a.      debugging   
b.     bugging
c.      rectifying   
d.      modifying
    17. Any letter, number, or symbol found on the keyboard that you can type into the computer ..........
a.      output   
b.     character
c.      type   
d.      print
    18. A symbol or question on the screen that prompts you to take action and tell the computer what to do next ........
a.      scanner   
b.     questionnaire
c.      prompt and dialog box
d.     information seeker   
    19. Commands at the top of a screen such as : FILE-EDIT-FONT-TOOLS to operate and change things within programs .....
a.      menu bar   
b.     tool bar
c.      user friendly   
d.     word processor
    20. .The primary device that a computer uses to store information ......
a.      monitor   
b.     memory
c.      disk   

d.     hard drive