Thursday, 15 August 2013

Child Development and Pedagogy-3

                 1.       Nature of children are like
a.       Imitative
b.      Constructive
c.       Imaginative
d.      Destructive

                  2.       How does a teacher can improve the attention of a student?
a.       By self-monitoring
b.      Monitoring by Head Master/Principal
c.       By observation
d.      By introducing interesting ways of teaching, e.g. through teaching aid etc.

                  3.       A student in your class has consistently been performing poorly in one subject. What should you                   do?
a.       Tell the student to work harder
b.      Arrange for a diagnostic test to find out what the difficulty is
c.       Arrange for remedial classes in that subject
d.      Talk to the parents

                 4.       A group of students are found to be harassing another student. What should be your reaction?
a.       Punish the students
b.      Send to their parents
c.       Counsel the students individually
d.      Give them a severe warning

                  5.       A physically-challenged student is very keen on participating during the Annual sports in school.                   How should you handle this issue?
a.       Discourage him/her from being present on that day
b.      Let him/her be involved in record keeping in the field
c.       get him/her to the cheering team
d.      Give him/her a duty that does not involve being in the sports field

                  6.       One of the ways to deal with the development of sexuality in children during puberty is defense                      mechanism, like
a.       Sublimation
b.      Projection
c.       Compensation
d.      Rationalization

                  7.       Which would be the most effective method of dealing with a Low-achieving child?
a.       Detain the child in the same class for another year
b.      Put him/her Lower-class for another year
c.       Mark his/her answers in examinations generously
d.      Arrange for extensive coaching

                  8.       RTE stands for
a.       Right to education
b.      Right True education
c.       Right time education
d.      Rarely true education

                  9.       What a teacher should do if a student gives wrong answer of a question in a class?
a.       He will another question to the student
b.      He will ask another student
c.       He will scold the student
d.      He will explain, why the answer given by the student is wrong

                 10.   What is the unit of Heredity?
a.       Chromosome
b.      Gene
c.       fertilized cell

d.      Zygote