Thursday, 15 August 2013

Child Development And Pedagogy-4

                        1.      Theory of multiple intelligence implies the following except
a.      intelligence is a distinct set of processing operations used by an individual to solve problems.
b.     disciplines should be presented in a number of ways
c.      learning could be assessed through a variety of means
d.     emotional intelligence is not related to IQ

                        2.      Smallest unit of meaning in a language is
a.      Syntax
b.     Morpheme
c.      Pragmatics
d.     Phoneme

                        3.      A child cannot distinguish between 'saw' and 'was', nuclear' and 'unclear'.                        He/She is suffering from:
a.      Dyslexia
b.     word jumbling disorder
c.      dyslexemia
d.     dysmorphemia

                        4.      A child of 16 years scores 75 in an IQ test; his mental age will be ________                      years.
a.      12
b.     8
c.      14
d.     15

                        5.      Adolescents may experience 
a.      feeling of self-actualization
b.     feeling of satiation about life
c.      anxiety and concern about themselves
d.     feeling of fear about sins committed in childhood.

                        6.      Vygotsky theory implies 
a.      child will learn best in the company of children having IQ lesser than his/her own.
b.     collaborative problem solving
c.      individual assignments to each student
d.     after initial explanation, do not support a child in solving difficult questions

                        7.      Gifted students are
a.      non-assertive of their needs
b.     independent in their judgments
c.      independent of teachers
d.     introvert in nature

                        8.      Assessment for learning takes into account the following except
a.      mistake of students
b.     learning styles of students
c.      strengths of students
d.     needs of students

                        9.      Which one of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?
a.      Climbing
b.     Hopping
c.      Running
d.     Writing

                       10.   Which would be the best theme to start with in a nursery class?
a.      My best friend
b.     My neighbourhood
c.      My school
d.     My family

                        11.  In order to instill a positive environment in a primary class a teacher should
a.      wish each child in the morning
b.     narrate stories with positive endings
c.      allow them to make groups on their own on the basis of sociometry during group activities.
d.     not discriminate and set the same goal for every child.

                       12.  Successful inclusion requires the following except
a.      involvement of parents
b.     capacity building
c.      sensitization
d.     segregation

                        13.  IQ scores are generally ________ correlated with academic performance.
a.      Least
b.     Perfectly
c.      Highly
d.     Moderately

                        14.  An empowering school will promote which of the following qualities the most                    in its teachers?
a.      tendency to experiment
b.     memory
c.      disciplined nature
d.     competitive aptitude

                        15.  A teacher can make problem-solving fun for students by doing all the                                following except
a.      providing open ended material
b.     giving time for free play
c.      providing endless opportunities for creative thinking
d.  expecting perfection from the students while they are trying to do things by themselves.