Sunday, 7 September 2014

Indian Political Awareness-5

         1.      Who of the following first propounded the organic theory of State?
a.       Machiavelli
b.      Plato
c.       Marx
d.      Herbert Spencer
         2.      Social Contract theory is based on:
a.       Nationalism
b.      Constitutionalism
c.       Individualism
d.      Socialism
         3.      Who of the following first used the term “Socialism”?
a.       Kropotkin
b.      Robert Owen
c.       Marx
d.      Bentham

         4.      Which one of the following is not an agency of public opinion?
a.       Press
b.      Judiciary
c.       Political Party
d.      T.V. and Radio
         5.      The first systematic classification of government was given by:
a.       Plato
b.      Aristotle
c.       Machiavelli
d.      Montesquieu
         6.      Which one of the following functions is performed by political parties?
a.       To render help to poor people
b.      To run hospitals
c.       To manage newspapers
d.      To assist candidates in contesting elections
         7.      The concept of liberty includes:
a.       absence of unjust restraints
b.      maximum justice
c.       national liberation
d.      absence of restraints
         8.      The best explanation of “Equality” is:
a.       identity of treatment
b.      parity of remuneration
c.       fulfilment of minimum needs
d.      abiding by rules
         9.      Marxian socialism is called scientific socialism, because Marx:
a.       considered personal experiences as his laboratory
b.      opposed religion and metaphysical issues
c.       rejected idealistic, vague and utopian assumptions
d.      accepted dictatorship of the proletariat
         10.   The Retributive Theory of Justice is based on
a.       the principle of deterrent punishment
b.      the principle of revenge
c.       the principle that punishment should aim at reforming the criminals
d.      the principle of “hate the sin and not the sinner”
         11.  Classless society according to Marx denotes:
a.       a tribal society
b.      a casteless society
c.       a society where there is only one class: the working class
d.      a society in which all classes are in equal proportion
         12.  Rousseau  General Will means
a.       Will of the sovereign
b.      Will of the general public
c.       Will of majority
d.      Collective good of the people
         13.  The Deterrent Theory of Justice is based upon the principle of
a.       Tit for tat
b.      Severe and exemplary punishment to prevent the re-occurrence of crime
c.       That criminals should be reformed
d.      That criminals should be treated leniently
         14.   Theory of Political Development means
a.       Development of the whole state
b.      Development of the consciousness amongst the people
c.       Development of the whole society through the instrumentality of the State
d.      Development of political elite
         15.  Divine Origin theory of the State holds that
a.       State was created by a saint named Divine
b.      State was created by Pope
c.       State was created by God

d.      State was created by majority vote 

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