Friday, 6 December 2013

Computer Awareness-68

1. ASCII File is
Document file in the universally recognized text format
Word processor
System file
All of the above

2. ASCII-8 is:
An extended version of ASCII-7
Is a 8-bit code
Both 1. and 2. are true
Both 1. and 2. are false

3. A program that translates mnemonic statements into executable instructions is referred as:
All of the above

4. An algebra that deals with logical propositions which are either true or false is referred as–
Boolean algebra
Modern Algebra
Abstract Algebra
None of these

5. Bandwidth is–
The range of frequencies available for data transmission
Data transmission rate
Alternate for rubber band
All of the above

6. A coding structure in which characters are represented by means of a series of parallel bars is:
Bar code
Menu bar
Numeric bar
None of these

7. Buffer is device/storage area–
Where data are temporarily stored
Where data is permanently stored
Where data error occurs
None of these

8. A network geometric arrangement in which a single connecting line is shared by a number of nodes is called–
Car Topology
Bus Topology
Mesh Topology
Star Topology

9. Circuits that provide a communication path between two or more devices of a digital computer system is:

10. The total number of digits (symbols) available to represent numbers in a positional number system is referred as–
Number system
None of these

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