Sunday, 14 September 2014

Indian Political Awareness-17

      1.      How many Articles and Schedules were in the First Draft Constitution presented by the Drafting Committee to the Constituent Assembly:
a.       318 Articles and 7 Schedules
b.      319 Articles ad 10 Schedules
c.       315 Articles and 8 Schedules
d.      399 Articles and 5 Schedules
      2.      In the final form of the Constitution adopted by the Constituent Assembly, how many Articles and Schedules were there:
a.       397 Articles and 9 Schedules
b.      395 Articles and 4 Schedules
c.        396 Articles and 7 Schedules
d.      395 Articles and 8 Schedules
      3.      In the Constituent Assembly how many total number of Amendments were proposed in the Draft Constitution:
a.       Approx. 7935
b.      Approx. 7892
c.       Approx. 7365
d.      Approx. 2473

      4.      What was the expenditure made by the Constituent Assembly while framing the Constitution of India:
a.       Rs. 63,96,729
b.      Rs. 64,98,725
c.       Rs. 69,92,769
d.      Rs. 65,92,926
      5.      How many visitors came to witness the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly:
a.       52,500
b.      53,000
c.       54,000
d.      54,500
      6.      Who presented the Objective Resolution in the Constituent Assembly:
a.       Jawaharlal Nehru
b.      Motilal Nehru
c.       Sardar Ballabah Bhai Patel
d.      None of the above
      7.      When was the First Draft of the Constitution of India proposed:
a.      Oct. 1945
b.       Oct. 1947
c.       Oct. 1946
d.       Oct. 1948
      8.      Who prepared the first draft Constitution of India:
a.       Jawahar Lal Nehru
b.      Gandhiji
c.       Advisory Branch of the Constituent Assembly
d.      Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel
      9.      Who was the Chairman of the Draft Committee of the Constituent Assembly:
a.        Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
b.      K. M. Munshi
c.       Jagjivan Ram
d.      None of the above
      10.  When was the draft Constitution of India prepared by the Drafting Committee submitted to the President of the Constituent Assembly:
a.       28th Feb. 1948
b.      26th Feb. 1948
c.       21st Feb. 1948
d.      25th Feb. 1948
      11.  When was the Second Reading of the Constitution completed in the Constituent Assembly:
a.       18 Nov. 1949
b.      17 Nov. 1949
c.       15 Nov. 1949
d.      16 Nov. 1949
      12.  How many readings were held on the Constitution in the Constituent Assembly:
a.       First Reading
b.      Third Reading
c.       Second Reading
d.      None of the above
      13.  When was the Constitution of India adopted by the Constituent Assembly:
a.      25th Nov. 1949
b.      29th Nov. 1949
c.       26th Nov. 1949
d.      27th Nov. 1949
      14.  How many Princely States existed at the time when the Constituent Assembly was making the Constitution:
a.       600
b.      800
c.       900
d.      950
      15.   Who said, ‘I feel, however, good a Constitution may be, it is sure to turn out bad because those who are called to work it, taken to be a bad lot. However bad a Constitution may be, it may turn out to be good if those who are called to work it, happens to be a good lot. The working of a Constitution does not depend wholly upon the nature of the Constitution’:
a.       Dr.B.R. Ambedkar
b.      Dr. Rajendra Prasad
c.       Dr. Subhash Kashyap
            d.    None of the above

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