Monday, 8 September 2014

General Science-87

S.S.C. Combine Graduate Level Exam 2013 
General Science MCQs
                  1.       Which one of the following is both a local anesthetic as well as a stimulant?
a.       Cocaine
b.      Alcohol
c.       Herion
d.      Quinine
                  2.       The other name of phloem is:
a.       Woodlar
b.      Sclereid
c.       Fibre
d.      Bast
                  3.       Branch of Biology deals with extinct organisms:
a.       Palynology
b.      Phylogeny
c.       Palaeobotany
d.      Palaeontology

                  4.       The least distance of distinct vision is:
a.       35 cm
b.      25 cm
c.       45 cm
d.      15 cm

                  5.       In photoelectric emission, the energy of emitted electron is:
a.       Same as that of incident photon
b.      Larger than that of incident photon
c.       Less than that of incident photon
d.      Proportional to the intensity of incident light

                  6.       Angular momentum is equal to:
a.       Moment of inertia x angular velocity
b.      Mass x angular velocity
c.       Linear velocity x angular velocity
d.      Mass x linear velocity

                  7.       Superconductivity means:
a.       Very freeble current
b.      Very large current
c.       Current without facing any resistance
d.      Current due to positive particles

                  8.       Which of the following communication modes support two ways traffic, but in only one direction at a time?
a.       Simplex
b.      Half-duplex
c.       Full-duplex
d.      Three-quarter duplex

                  9.       WINDOWS-98 is basically:
a.       A high level language
b.      An operating system
c.       An input device
d.      A machine language

                  10.   A compound used in medicine as a pain killer is:
a.       Urotropine
b.      Chloroform
c.       Aspirin
d.      Ethyl Alcohol

                 11.   What could be the function attributed to the transfusion tissue found in Cycas leaflets:
a.       Mechanical
b.      Conduction
c.       Storage
d.      Photosynthesis

                  12.   Essential oils contain:
a.       Alkaloids
b.      Terpenoids
c.       Porpoise
d.      Steriods

                  13.   The percentage of carbon in steel is:
a.       3 to 5
b.      0.1 to 0.25
c.       0.5 to 1.5
d.      6 to 8

                  14.   Which of the following react to produce urea:
a.       Ammonium Chloride + Calcium Sulphate
b.      Carbon dioxide + Ammonia
c.       Acetic acid + Ammonia
d.      Methane + Carbon Monoxide

                  15.   A women who rents her womb to produce a child for others is known as:
a.       Biological Mother
b.      Step mother
c.       Surrogate mother
d.      Foster mother

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