Saturday, 6 June 2015

Indian Political Awareness-51

    1.      Which of the following is not true regarding the Attorney General of India?
a.       He represents Government in any reference made by the President under Article 143.
b.      His consent is necessary for initiating proceedings for contempt, in certain cases.
c.       His consent is necessary for finalization of appointment of Judges to State High Courts.
d.      He appears in courts of law on behalf of the Houses of Parliament or the speaker.
    2.      When the Vice President officiates as President, he draws the salary of.
a.       President
b.      Member of Parliament
c.       Chairman of Rajya Sabha
d.      Both (a) & (c)
    3.      Which of the following is not correct?
a.      The Supreme Command of the Defence Forces is vested in the President.
b.      The three Chiefs of Staff (Army, Navy & Air Force) are under the direct control of the President.
c.       The responsibility of National Defence rests with the Union Cabinet
d.      All important questions having a bearing on defence are decided by the Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister.

   4.      Who among the following can attend meetings of the Union Cabinet?
a.       Cabinet Ministers
b.      Ministers of State
c.       Deputy Ministers
d.      President
    5.      Who among the following has the Constitutional authority to make rules and regulations fixing the number of members of the UPSC?
a.       Home Ministry
b.      President
c.       Cabinet Secretary
d.      Vice-President
    6.      Which one is not the principle of Parliamentary government in a democracy?
a.       Collective responsibility of Executive
b.      Fixed Tenure
c.       Prime Minister as Primes inter pares
d.      Judicial guarantee of Fundamental Rights
    7.      The Executive in Presidential form of government is powerful because
a.       the Legislature is weak
b.      judges are appointed by the President
c.       it enjoys the fixity of tenure
d.      the procedure of impeachment is cumbersome
    8.      Presidential form of government is based on the principle of
a.       accountability of Executive to Judiciary
b.      independence of the Executive
c.       separation of powers
d.      sovereignty of the Legislature
    9.      “Politics is struggle for power” was said by:
a.      Morgenthau
b.      Quincy Wright
c.       Sprout
d.      Thomson
    10.  “Politics is concerned with the authoritative allocation of values for a society”. This definition of politics has been given by:
a.      David Easton
b.      Harold Lasswell
c.       Robert Dahl
d.      Charles Merriam
    11.  According to Structural-Functional approach which of the following does not constitute input functions of a political system ?
a.       Political socialization
b.      Political development
c.       Interest aggregation
d.      Political communication
    12.  Who of the following is regarded as an exponent of empty liberty?
a.       Bentham
b.      J.S. Mill
c.       Hegel
d.      Green
    13.  Which one of the following books is not written by Machiavelli?
a.       The Prince
b.      The Discourses
c.       The Art of War
d.      Behemoth
    14.  The view that the “State is a necessary evil”, is associated with:
a.      Individualists
b.      Anarchists
c.       Marxists
d.      Sophists
    15.  The philosophy that stands diametrically opposite to liberalism is:
a.       Individualism
b.      Capitalism
c.       Marxism

d.      Fascism 

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