Saturday, 6 June 2015

Indian Political Awareness-49

   1.      Which of the following powers is not enjoyed by the President of India in the event of emergency proclaimed under Article 352 of the Constitution?
a.       He can suspend the enforcement of Fundamental Rights.
b.      He is authorized to direct any state to exercise its Executive power in a particular manner.
c.       He is authorized, during the recess of Lok Sabha, to allow expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India pending sanction of the Parliament.
d.      He is authorized to dissolve the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha.
   2.      The Chief Minister of a Union Territory where such a set up exists, is appointed by the :
a.       President
b.      Prime Minister
c.       Lt. Governor
d.      Majority party in Legislature
   3.      Who was the first Prime Minister of India?
a.       Dr. Rajendra Prasad
b.      Mahatma Gandhi
c.       Jawaharlal Nehru
d.      Mrs. Indira Gandhi

   4.      In case a President dies while in office, the Vice President can act as President for a maximum period of
a.       2 years
b.      1 year
c.       3 months
d.      6 months
   5.      The Union Council of Ministers consists of
a.       Prime Minister
b.       Cabinet Ministers
c.       Cabinet Ministers and Chief Ministers of the States
d.      Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers
   6.       Which of the following is the correct chrono-logical order of the Prime Ministers in India? I. Indira Gandhi II. Jawaharlal Nehru III. Morarji Desai IV. Charan Singh
a.       I, II, III, IV
b.      II, III, I, IV
c.       II, I, III, IV
d.      III, II, IV, I
   7.      Which of the following is true in context of the President?
a.       He addresses the first session of the Parliament after each general election of the Lok Sabha and at the commencement of the first session of each year.
b.      He addresses the first session of Parliament at the beginning of each year as well as the last session held at the end of each year.
c.       He addresses the Parliament daily.
d.      None of these
   8.       Who administers the oath of office to the President of India before he enters upon the office?
a.       Vice President
b.      Prime Minister
c.       Chief Justice
d.      Speaker
   9.       Who among the following enjoys the rank of a Cabinet Minister of the Indian Union?
a.      Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha
b.      Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission
c.       Secretary to the Government of India
d.      None of the above
   10.  A person who is not a member of Parliament can be appointed as a Minister by the President for a maximum period of
a.       9 months
b.      6 months
c.       12 months
d.      3 months
   11.  When can a President use his discretion in appointing the Prime Minister?
a.       In all circumstances
b.      In no circumstances
c.       Only when the Lok Sabha has been dissolved.
d.      When no political party enjoys a clear majority in the Lok Sabha.
   12.   If in a country there happens to be the office of monarchy as well as a Parliamentary form of government this monarch will be called:
a.      Head of the government
b.      Head of the State
c.       Both Head of the government and State
d.      Head of the Cabinet
   13.  One feature distinguishing the Rajya Sabha from the Vidhan Partishad is
a.        Power of impeachment
b.      Nomination of members
c.       Tenure of membership
d.      Indirect election
   14.  Chief Ministers of all the states are ex-officio members of the
a.       Finance Commission
b.      Planning Commission
c.       National Development Council
d.      Inter State Council
   15.  Who, among the following, has the final right to sanction the expenditure of public money in India?
a.       President
b.      Prime Minister
c.       Parliament

d.      Speaker

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