Wednesday, 18 June 2014

General Science-75

                  1.       Diamond is an allotrope of:
a.       Silicon
b.      Carbon
c.       Hydrogen
d.      Sodium

                  2.       The element which is present in large amounts in rocks and minerals is:
a.       Iron
b.      Carbon
c.       Silicon
d.      Sodium

                  3.       Glass wool is:
a.       Mixture of glass and wool
b.      Transparent wool
c.       Finely powdered glass
d.      Fine threads of glass

                  4.       Laughing gas is
a.       Nitric oxide
b.      Nitrogen peroxide
c.       Nitrous oxide
d.      Nitrogen pentoxide

                  5.       The ions present in hard water are:
a.       Calcium and  Magnesium
b.      Sodium and Potassium
c.       Calcium and Barium
d.      Sodium and Zinc

                  6.       The material used for electrical fuse wire should have
a.       High intensity
b.      Low resistivity
c.       Low melting point
d.      High melting point

                  7.       The substance used for the treatment of muscular pains and paralysis is:
a.       Ultraviolet rays
b.      Microwaves
c.       Infra-red rays
d.      Radio frequency waves

                  8.       L.P.G. gas contains:
a.       Pentane
b.      Butane
c.       Methane
d.      Heptane

                  9.       The precious gem Ruby, is mainly aluminium trioxide with trace amount of:
a.       Silver
b.      Manganese
c.       Chromium
d.      Cobalt

                 10.   Milk of magnesia used as anti acid is:
a.       Magnesium acetate
b.      Magnesium hydroxide
c.       Magnesium chloride
d.      Magnesium nitrate

                 11.   The tubes used for dialysis and blood transfusion are made of:
a.       Polyethylene
b.      Polysilicon
c.       Poly vinyl chloride
d.      Polybutane

                12.   In plants, active cell division occurs in the following pairs:
a.       Stem
b.      Leaves
c.       Root
d.      Fruits

                13.   The colour of tomatoes is due to the presence of:
a.       Carotenoids
b.      Flavanoids
c.       Vitamins
d.      Mineral salts

                14.   The gas used in fire extinguishers is:
a.       Hydrogen
b.      Carbon dioxide
c.       Sulphur dioxide
d.      Hydrogen sulphide

                15.   The powerful explosive used under the name gun cotton is:
a.       Potassium chlorate
b.      Cellulose nitrate
c.       Potassium nitrate
d.      Cellulose acetate

                16.   The part of body that is affected due to the disease trachoma is:
a.       Heart
b.      Brain
c.       Lungs
d.      Eyes

                17.   Deficiency of thiamine in human body causes
a.       Anemia
b.      Beri-Beri
c.       Scurvy
d.      Night Blindness

                18.   The largest gland in the human body is:
a.       Adrenal gland
b.      Pituitary Gland
c.       Liver
d.      Thyroid gland

                19.   The class of animals to which whale belongs is
a.       Mammals
b.      Reptiles
c.       Fish
d.      Amphibia

                20.   The percentage of water in milk is measured with
a.       Lactometer
b.      Hydrometer
c.       Hygrometer
d.      Pyknometer

        *APPSC  Prelim-Exam Paper  2012

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