Monday, 27 January 2014

General Science-55

1. Why is the machine function well with lubricant?
a. Because of surface tension of the lubricant
b. Because of viscosity of the lubricant
c. Lubricant removes moisture
d. Lubricant induces inertia of the machine

2. The blue colour of sky is due to the phenomenon of
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Dispersion
d. Scattering

3. If one wishes to win a javelin throwing competition, he would have to throw it in which angle to attain maximum distance?
a. 30 degree
b. 60 degree
c. 45 degree
d. 90 degree

4. What enables us to write on the black board with chalk?
a. Gravity
b. Cohesion
c. Adhesion
d. Viscosity

5. Soap helps in the cleaning of cloths because
a. it reduces surface tension
b. it increases  surface tension
c. it absorbs dirt
d. of some other reason

6. Which one of the following pairs of rays is electromagnetic in nature?
a. Alpha rays and X-rays
b. Alpha rays and cosmic rays
c. Infrared rays and beta rays
d. Infrared rays and X-rays

7. Which one of the following causes the visibility of sun a little before it rises and a little after it sets below the horizontal line?
a. Refraction
b. Dispersion
c. Total internal reflection
d. Scattering of light

8. During wind storm, the roofs of houses covered with GI Sheets may be blown off because
a. wind creates low pressure over the roof
b. wind creates high pressure over the roof
c. roofs are not tightly bound
d. None of the above

9. When you pull out the plug connected to an electric appliance, you will often observe a spark. To which property of the  appliance is this related?
a. Resistance
b. Inductance
c. Capacitance
d. Wattage

10. An n-type and p-type silicon can be obtained by doping pure silicon with
a. arsenic and phosphorus
b. indium and aluminum
c. phosphorus and indium
d. aluminum and boron

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