Monday, 27 January 2014

General Science-51

1. Beri-Beri is caused by the lack of Vitamin
a. C
b. D
c. B1
d. A

2. Climate change is caused by:
a. Green house gases
b. Depletion of ozone layer
c. Pollution
d. All of these

3. The tide produced in an ocean when the pull on the Earth by the Sun and Moon is unidirectional
a. High tide
b. Spring tide
c. Neap tide
d. Low tide

4. You are on a friction less horizontal plane How can you get off if no horizontal force is exerted by pushing against the surface?
a. By jumping
b. By splitting
c. By rolling your body on the surface
d. By running on the plane

5. Which one of the following air pollutant can affect blood stream leading to death?
a. Asbestos dust
b. Cadmium
c. Lead
d. Carbon monoxide

6. The most familiar form of radiant energy in sunlight that cause tanning and has the potential for causing melanoma in humans is called
a. infra-red radiation
b. visible radiation
c. ultra-violet radiation
d. microwave radiation

7. The vitamin useful in alcoholism is:
a. Thiamine
b. Pyridoxine
c. Folic acid
d. Ascorbic acid

8. The disease caused by the deficiency of protein in children is :
a. Marasmus
b. Pellagra
c. Beri-Beri
d. Rickets

9. Which is naturally occurring anti-malarial drug?
a. Quinacrine
b. Antimisinine
c. Mefloquine
d. Mepacrine

10. Vitamin K is necessary for:
a. Prevention of rickets
b. Prevention of pernicious anemia
c. Formation of prothrombin
d. Formation of DNA

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