Monday, 27 January 2014

General Science-59

1. Who had showed that the electric and magnetic waves are equal in vacuum?
a. Isaac Newton
b. James Clerk Maxwell
c. Albert Einstein
d. Werner Heisenberg

2. The cat survive fall from a height much more than human or any other animal. It is because the cat
a. has elastic bones
b. has thick and elastic skin
c. can immediately adjust itself to land on all four paws and absorbs the impact of fall by bending
d. None of the above

3. The blackboard seems black because it
a. reflects every colour
b. does not reflect any colour
c. absorbs black colour
d. reflects black colour

4. If the radius of the Earth is made 1/4th, the duration of an year will become
a. 8 times
b. 4 times
c. 1/8 times
d. 1/4 times

5. Mirage is a phenomenon due to
a. reflection of light
b. refraction of light
c. total internal reflection of light
d. total diffraction of light

6. Which one among the following rays has minimum wavelength?
a. Cosmic rays
b. Gamma rays
c. X- rays
d. Ultra-violet rays

7. The common soap used in washing is worked by
a. reducing the surface tension of water
b. increasing the surface tension of water
c. reducing the viscosity of water
d. increasing the viscosity of water

8. Who gave the first evidence of Big-bang theory?
a. Edwin Hubble
b. Stephen Hawking
c. S Chandrashekhar
d. Albert Einstein

9. Which one of the following matter form the core of transformer?
a. Steel
b. Soft Iron
c. Tin
d. Aluminium

10. Which one of the following instruments is used by the submarine sailors to see the objects on the surface?
a. Telescope
b. Microscope
c. Gyroscope
d. Periscope

General Science-58

1. Which one of the following remains constant while throwing the ball upward?
a. Force
b. Kinetic energy
c. Acceleration
d. Velocity

2. Which of the following device is fully duplex
a. Mobile phone
b. Walky-talky
c. Loud Speaker
d. Radio

3. When we speak into a microphone, what type of vibrations the diaphragm executes?
a. Free
b. Resonant
c. Forced
d. None of these

4. Which one of the following forces lead to separation of the cream from the churned milk?
a. Gravitational force
b. Cohesive force
c. Centripetal force
d. Centrifugal force

5. The volume of the nucleus is proportional to
a. atomic number
b. mass number
c. number of neutron
d. number of proton

6. Which one of the following is correct when a body moving in a circular path with constant speed?
a. The body has constant acceleration
b. The body has constant retardation
c. The body has variable acceleration
d. the body has constant velocity and variable speed

7. Which one is not produced by sound waves in the air?
a. Refraction
b. Polarization
c. Diffraction
d. Reflection

8. Why laser is used in the pipe alignment?
a. They are directional in nature
b. They are coherent
c. They are monochromatic
d. None of the above

9. The velocity of the sound is greatest in
a. Water
b. Air
c. Vacuum
d. Metal

10. Which one of the following phenomena is associated with the fire flies giving cold light in night?
a. Fluorescence
b. Phosphorescence
c. Chemiluminescence
d. Effervescence

General Science-57

1. A cyclotron can accelerate
a. Ions
b. Atoms
c. Neutrons
d. gamma rays

2. The image form by an object of a compound microscope is
a. virtual and enlarged
b. virtual and diminish
c. real and diminish
d. real and enlarged

3. Hair of a shaving brush cling together when the brush is removed from water due to
a. Viscosity
b. Elasticity
c. Friction
d. surface tension

4. Which of the following is a ferromagnetic material?
a. Nickel 
b. Quartz
c. Bismuth
d. Aluminum

5. A galvanometer is converted into ammeter when we connect
a. high resistant is series
b. high resistant in parallel
c. low resistant in series
d. low resistant in parallel

6. Which one of the following common devices works on the basis of the principle of mutual induction?
a. Tube light
b. Transformer
c. LED
d. Photodiode

7. A table cloth can be pulled from a table without dislodging the dishes. It is because of
a. Graham's law of diffusion
b. Archimedes’s principle
c. Newton's first law
d. Newton's second law

8. Which one among the following radiations carries maximum energy?
a. Infrared
b. Microwave
c. UV-rays
d. Radio waves

9. When a ball drops onto the floor it bounces. Why does it bounce?
a. The floor is perfectly fluid
b. The floor heats up on impact
c. Newton's third law Implies that for every action, there is reaction
d. The floor exerts a force on the ball during impact

10. Which one of the following is the weakest force?
a. Gravitational force
b. Electromagnetic force
c. Nuclear force
d. Electrostatic force

General Science-56

1. By which one of the following, an old written material which cannot be read easily, can be read?
a. alpha rays
b. gamma rays
c. X-rays
d. IR- rays

2. A mirror produces magnified erect image of an object. The nature of the mirror is
a. Convex
b. Concave
c. Plane
d. Neither convex nor concave

3. Why are the inner lining of hot water made up of copper?
a. copper has less heat capacity
b. copper has high  electrical conductivity
c. copper does not react with steam
d. copper is good conductor of both heat and electricity

4. A coin immersed in water pond appears to be raised when view from the top. What is this due to?
a. Total internal reflection of light
b. Refraction of light
c. Scattering of light
d. Reflection of light

5. Which of the following wavelengths will suffer maximum deviation while passing through a prism?
a. Orange
b. Red
c. Green
d. Violet

6. Cavitations is a special application property exhibited only by
a. audible sound
b. infrasonic
c. ultrasonic
d. electromagnetic waves

7. A radar beam is sent onto a moving airplane in opposite direction of its approach. In which of these ways it will be affected?
a. Its wavelength decreases
b. Its wavelength increases
c. It remains unaffected
d. none of these

8. Which one of the following can convert the alternating current into the direct current?
a. Transformer
b. Motor
c. Dynamo
d. Rectifier

9. Power of two bulbs are 50 W and 100 W which are connected in series. Then 50 W bulb will
a. glow brighter
b. glow less than 100 Watt bulb
c. glow dim
d. not glow

10. The phenomenon of bursting of hydrogen balloon is based on
a. Charles’s law
b. Boyle's law
c. Henry's law
d. Bernoulli's theorem

General Science-55

1. Why is the machine function well with lubricant?
a. Because of surface tension of the lubricant
b. Because of viscosity of the lubricant
c. Lubricant removes moisture
d. Lubricant induces inertia of the machine

2. The blue colour of sky is due to the phenomenon of
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Dispersion
d. Scattering

3. If one wishes to win a javelin throwing competition, he would have to throw it in which angle to attain maximum distance?
a. 30 degree
b. 60 degree
c. 45 degree
d. 90 degree

4. What enables us to write on the black board with chalk?
a. Gravity
b. Cohesion
c. Adhesion
d. Viscosity

5. Soap helps in the cleaning of cloths because
a. it reduces surface tension
b. it increases  surface tension
c. it absorbs dirt
d. of some other reason

6. Which one of the following pairs of rays is electromagnetic in nature?
a. Alpha rays and X-rays
b. Alpha rays and cosmic rays
c. Infrared rays and beta rays
d. Infrared rays and X-rays

7. Which one of the following causes the visibility of sun a little before it rises and a little after it sets below the horizontal line?
a. Refraction
b. Dispersion
c. Total internal reflection
d. Scattering of light

8. During wind storm, the roofs of houses covered with GI Sheets may be blown off because
a. wind creates low pressure over the roof
b. wind creates high pressure over the roof
c. roofs are not tightly bound
d. None of the above

9. When you pull out the plug connected to an electric appliance, you will often observe a spark. To which property of the  appliance is this related?
a. Resistance
b. Inductance
c. Capacitance
d. Wattage

10. An n-type and p-type silicon can be obtained by doping pure silicon with
a. arsenic and phosphorus
b. indium and aluminum
c. phosphorus and indium
d. aluminum and boron

General Science-54

1. Bamboo is classified as:
a. Bush
b. Weed
c. Grass
d. Tree

2. The solar system is an example of
a. conservation of energy
b. conservation of linear momentum
c. conservation of angular momentum
d. None of these.

3. Which of the following bacteria are said to be very useful in genetic engineering?
a. Nitrosomonas and Klebsiella
b. Nitrobacter and Azotobacter
c. Rhizobium and Diplococcus
d. Escherichia and Agrobacterium

4. In which of the following cases lies the broadcast band of FM?
a. UHF
b. VHF
c. SHF
d. HF

5. Which of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease:
a. Gonorrhea
c. Chlamydiasis
d. Anthrax

6. How does the pressure cooker work?
a. Heat cannot escape from cooker
b. Low pressure inside the cooker rises the boiling point of water
c. High pressure inside the cooker rises the boiling point of water
d. Steam inside the cooker makes food to cook with ease

7. Post office box is a device for measuring resistant based on the principle of
a. Potentiometer
b. meter bridge
c. ohm meter
d. galvanometer

8. Which waves are used in sonography?
a. Microwaves
b. Sound waves
c. Infrared waves
d. Ultrasonic waves

9. Two thin wooden sticks are floating on the surface of water close to each other. A hot needle touches the water between them. How will the sticks react to it?
a. They will come closer
b. They will move apart
c. They will move critically
d. They will stay as before

10. Which one of the following is not an amorphous substance?
a. Glass
b. Polymer
c. Rubber
d. Copper

General Science-53

1. In the electric supply lines in India, which parameter is kept constant?
a. Current
b. Voltage
c. Power
d. Frequency

2. Which one of the following is used to determine the age of human fossils?
a. Density determination of fossil
b. softness of the fossil
c. Radio-carbon dating
d. Water content of the fossil

3. It is an industrial process of producing ammonia by the reaction of nitrogen by the reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst:
a. Solvay process
b. Bayer process
c. Haber process
d. Bessemer process

4. The mass of the body at the centre of earth is:
a. Less than at the surface
b. Remains constant
c. More than the surface
d. Zero

5. To shield an instrument from an external magnetic field it may be placed in a cabinet made of
a. Wood
b. Ebonite
c. Metal
d. diamagnetic substance

6. The compounds leading to the origin of life were:
a. Urea and nucleic acid
b. Amino acids and urea
c. Proteins and nucleic acid
d. Protein and amino acids

7. The scent sprayer is based on
a. Carle's law
b. Boyle's law
c. Archimede's principle
d. Bernoulli's theorem

8. A person is standing on a rotating stool spreading his arms. What will happen if he suddenly contracts his arm?
a. His angular momentum increases
b. His moment of inertia increases
c. His moment of inertia decreases
d. His angular momentum decreases

9. The enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is:
a. Invertase
b. Maltase
c. Zymase
d. Diastase

10. pH value of pure water is :
a. Less than 7
b. More than 7
c. Equal to 7
d. Zero

General science-52

1. A car is moving with high velocity when it takes a turn. A force acts on it outwardly because of
a. centrifugal force
b. centripetal force
c. gravitational force
d. All of the above

2. Aldosterone regulates:
a. Blood Glucose
b. Serum Calcium
c. Urine Concentration
d. Sodium absorption

3. An athlete diving off high springboard can perform a variety of exercise in the air before entering the water body. Which one of the following parameters will remain constant during the fall?
a. The athlete's linear momentum
b. The athlete's angular momentum
c. The athlete's kinetic engine
d. The athlete's moment of inertia

4. Cream gets separated from milk when it is churned because of:
a. Gravitational force
b. Cohesive force
c. Centrifugal force
d. Frictional force

5. A body lying at rest suddenly breaks into two parts of equal masses which starts moving. The parts will move in:
a. opposite direction with equal speed
b. opposite direction with unequal speed
c. any direction with equal speed
d. same direction with equal speed

6. Newton is the unit of:
A. Work
B. Energy
C. Force
D. Acceleration

7. Now a day, most of buildings are made by having at least two layers of walls with a gap in between. Because:
a. it makes the building stronger
b. it prevents see page from outside
c. it protects the building from lightning
d. it helps in keeping the inside cooler in summer and warmer in winter

8. A perfect black body has the unique characteristic feature as:
a. a good absorber body
b. a good radiator only
c. a good absorber and a good radiator
d. Neither an absorber nor radiator

9. Which of the following instruments are used for measuring the speed of aeroplane?
a. Venturimeter
b. Orifice plate
c. Rotameter
d. Pilot tube

10. A geostationary satellite:
a. revolves about the polar axis
b. has a time period less than that of the near earth satellite
c. moves faster than a near earth satellite
d. is a stationary in the space

General Science-51

1. Beri-Beri is caused by the lack of Vitamin
a. C
b. D
c. B1
d. A

2. Climate change is caused by:
a. Green house gases
b. Depletion of ozone layer
c. Pollution
d. All of these

3. The tide produced in an ocean when the pull on the Earth by the Sun and Moon is unidirectional
a. High tide
b. Spring tide
c. Neap tide
d. Low tide

4. You are on a friction less horizontal plane How can you get off if no horizontal force is exerted by pushing against the surface?
a. By jumping
b. By splitting
c. By rolling your body on the surface
d. By running on the plane

5. Which one of the following air pollutant can affect blood stream leading to death?
a. Asbestos dust
b. Cadmium
c. Lead
d. Carbon monoxide

6. The most familiar form of radiant energy in sunlight that cause tanning and has the potential for causing melanoma in humans is called
a. infra-red radiation
b. visible radiation
c. ultra-violet radiation
d. microwave radiation

7. The vitamin useful in alcoholism is:
a. Thiamine
b. Pyridoxine
c. Folic acid
d. Ascorbic acid

8. The disease caused by the deficiency of protein in children is :
a. Marasmus
b. Pellagra
c. Beri-Beri
d. Rickets

9. Which is naturally occurring anti-malarial drug?
a. Quinacrine
b. Antimisinine
c. Mefloquine
d. Mepacrine

10. Vitamin K is necessary for:
a. Prevention of rickets
b. Prevention of pernicious anemia
c. Formation of prothrombin
d. Formation of DNA

General Science-50

1. Two balloons are blown into spherical shape of unequal size and are connected through a narrow tube. Then what will observe?
a. The smaller balloon becomes bigger
b. The bigger balloon becomes smaller
c. The smaller becomes smaller and the bigger becomes bigger
d. There is no change in their size

2. Among the biotic components of eco-system, the producer system is :
a. Cow
b. Peacock
c. Tiger
d. Green Plants

3. If a door of running refrigerator is kept open in a closed room, what will happen to the room?
a. It cool the room
b. It will heat the room
c. It will make no difference on the average
d. It will make the temperature go up and down

4. Which of the following gases contribute to the ‘Green House Effect’?
a. Ammonia and Ozone
b. Carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide
c. Carbon tetraflouride and nitrous oxide
d. Carbon dioxide and methane

5. Which of the following is the most suitable ecosystem?
a. Desert
b. Mountain
c. Ocean
d. Forest

6. The common refrigerant used in domestic refrigerator is:
a. Neon
b. Oxygen
c. Nitrogen
d. Feron

7. Which of the following cannot be emitted by radioactive substances during their decay?
a. Electrons
b. Protons
c. Neutrons
d. Helium

8. Which of the following food items are rich in iron:
a. Rice
b. Apple
c. Pulses
d. Orange

9. Which of the following diseases is not transmitted by tiger mosquitoes?
a. Yellow fever
b. Dengue
c. Chikungunya
d. Japanese Encephalitis

10. The focal length of convex lens is:
a. the same for all the colors
b. shorter for blue light than for red
c. shorter for red light than for blue
d. maximum for yellow light

General Science-49

1. If the spinning speed of the earth is increased then the weight of body at equator
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Doubles
d. does not change

2. The mirror used by a dentist to examine the teeth of patients is :
a. Concave
b. Convex
c. Plane
d. Cylindrical

3. Wireless communication is reflected to earth’s surface by:
a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Ionosphere
d. Exosphere

4. Sound above what level is considered hazardous noise pollution?
a. 30 dB
b. 40 dB
c. 60 dB
d. 80 dB

5. What type of electromagnetic radiation is used in the remote control of a television?
a. Infrared
b. Ultra-violet
c. Visible
d. None of these

6. The radiation that is absorbed by ozone present in the atmosphere is:
a. Infrared
b. Visible
c. Ultraviolet
d. Microwave

7. Which of the following gases is used for the purification of drinking water?
a. Sulphur dioxide
b. Chlorine
c. Fluorine
d. Carbon dioxide

8. The group of stars arranged in a definite pattern is called:
a. Milky way
b. Constellation
c. Andromeda
d. Solar System

9. Refrigeration helps in food preservation by:
a. Killing the germs/bacteria
b. Reducing the rate of biochemical reaction
c. Destroying the enzyme action
d. Sealing food with a layer of ice

10. When the light is passed through a prism, the color which deviates least is
a. Red
b. Green
c. Violet
d. Blue

General Science-48

1. Genes are made up of:
a. Nucleic acid
b. Proteins
c. Carbohydrates
d. Lipids

2. Kyoto protocol is related to:
a. Ozone depletion
b. Hazardous waste
c. Climate change
d. Nuclear energy

3. Which of the following is a source of emissions leading to the eventual formation of surface ozone as a pollutant?
a. Transport sector
b. Refrigerator and Air-conditioners
c. Wetlands
d. Fertilizers

4. If there were no gravity, which of the following will not be there for a fluid?
a. Viscosity
b. Pressure
c. Archimedes’s upward thrust
d. Surface tension

5. The smog in cities in India mainly consists of:
a. Oxides of sulphur
b. Oxides of nitrogen and unbrunt hydrocarbons
c. Carbon monoxide and SPM
d. Oxides of sulphur and ozone

6. In scuba diving, while ascending towards the water surface, there is a danger of bursting the lugs. It is because
a. Graham's law of diffusion
b. Archimede's principle
c. Boyle's law
d. Henry's law

7. Which of the following types of natural hazards have the highest potential to cause damage to humans:
a. Earthquakes
b. Forest fires
c. Volcanic eruptions
d. Droughts and floods

8. Which of the following types of energy is used by living organism to perform vital life process?
a. Kinetic energy
b. Chemical energy
c. Potential energy
d. Nuclear energy

9. Which planet takes maximum time for one revolution?
a. Venus
b. Earth
c. Mars
d. Jupiter

10. Two resistances when connected in parallel have equivalent resistance of 3 ohm. When one of the resistant is burnt and broken, the net resistant is 12 ohm. What is the resistance of the burnt resistor?
a. 4 ohm
b. 8 ohm
c. 12 ohm
d. 16 ohm

General Science-47

1. Optical fiber mainly used in communication is based on
a. less absorption coefficient
b. less scattering
c. total internal reflection
d. refraction

2. When a red glass is heated in dark room it will seem
a. Black
b. Green
c. Yellow
d. Red

3. The snake bite firstly affects which part of the body?
a. Nervous system
b. Brain
c. Blood circulation
d. Lungs

4. Human skin is :
a. A Cell
b. A tissue
c. An organ
d. All  of these

5. Which one of the following causes green house effect?
a. Cosmic rays
b. Ultra-violet rays
c. Infrared rays
d. Radio waves

6. Insects are able to run on the surface of water because
a. Insects have less weight
b. Insects can swim on water
c. of the Archimede's upthrust
d. surface tension makes the surface behave as an elastic membrane

7. Cryogenic engines find application in
a. washing machine
b. frost free refrigerator
c. rocket technology
d. sub-marine propulsion

8. Insulin is secreted by:
a. Spleen
b. Gonads
c. Liver
d. Pancreas

9. Why is it easier to swim in sea water?
a. atmospheric pressure is highest at the sea
b. Sea water contains salt
c. Density of sea water is higher than the ordinary water
d. None of the above

10. A color-blind person cannot differentiate between:
a. Yellow and green
b. Black and blue
c. Red and green
d. Blue and green

General Science-46

1. Who among the following gave the first experimental value of G?
a. Cavendish
b. Brook Taylor
c. Copernicus
d. Albert Einstein

2. A cold soft drink is kept on balance. When the cap is opened, then the weight
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. First increases then decreases
d. Remain same

3. Which of the following does not pollute:
a. Copper
b. Cadmium
c. Arsenic
d. Nickel

4. Sea water can be purified by the process of:
a. Distillation
b. Evaporation
c. Filtration
d. Fractional Distillation

5. Neutron was discovered by:
a. Rutherford
b. Chadwick
c. Hahn and Strassman
d. Milian

6. Two boats are moving in same direction in a river. What is the best condition so that they move parallel in the same direction?
a. They should move parallel
b. They should slightly bend to each other
c. They should move away from each other
d. It is not possible

7. The cause of Tuberculosis is:
a. Virus
b. Bacteria
c. Fungi
d. Protozoan

8. The situation of global warming in atmosphere is developed due to increase in which gas?
a. Oxygen
b. Carbon-dioxide
c. Hydrogen
d. Nitrogen

9. Which of the following has the least penetrating power?
a. alpha particles
b. beta particles
c. gama particles
d. None of these

10. Which rays of ultraviolet are most dangerous?
a. UV A
b. UV B
c. UV C
d. UV D

General Science-45

1. The ‘solder’ used in connecting electronic circuits consists of;
a. Lead and tin
b. Tin and iron
c. Copper and lead
d. Lead and aluminum

2. The mammal capable of flying is:
a. Jaguar
b. Ostrich
c. Pallican
d. Bat

3. A microwave oven uses:
a. Infrared rays
b. Ultraviolet rays
c. Radio waves of very short wavelength
d. Radio waves of long wavelength

4. Who invented Thermoscope, an early form of thermometer?
a. Sir Cristopher Wren
b. Charles F.Richter
c. Gelileo
d. Buno Gutenberg

5. Which one of the following gases is ejected in volcanic eruptions:
a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Chlorine
d. Sulphur dioxide

6. Who propounded the theory of evolution?
a. Spencer
b. Darwin
c. Wellace
d. Huxley

7. Which one of the following planets is said to be "twin sister" of the Earth?
a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Mars
d. Jupiter

8. What function does blood perform in body?
a. Takes oxygen to all parts
b. Maintains liquidity
c. Helps in digestion
d. Helps in erection

9. How many chambers are there in heart?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8

10. Which one of the following pairs of physical quantities may be represented in the same unit?
a. Temperature and mole
b. Heat and work
c. Heat and temperature
d. Specific heat and heat

General Science-44

1. Who discovered penicillin?
a. Alexander Graham Bell
b. Alexander Fleming
c. Christopher McDonald
d. Albert Einstein

2. The depth to which a floating body sinks in pure water is a measure of its:
a. Density
b. Weight
c. Inertia
d. Viscosity

3. Strobilus is a structure associated with:
a. Pea
b. Potato
c. Pinus
d. Palm

4. What is the name of NASA vehicle on Mars?
a. Phoenix
b. Roger
c. Florida
d. John Canady

5. Which one of the following is the source of solar energy:
a. Nuclear fusion
b. Nuclear fission
c. Artificial radioactivity
d. X-ray emission

6. When the speed of moving object is doubled, its:
a. Acceleration is doubled
b. Kinetic energy is doubled
c. Kinetic energy increases four times
d. Weight is doubled

7. Which part of animal cell is called powerhouse?
a. Cell Wall
b. Nucleus
c. Mitochondria
d. Entire cell

8. What is not found in animal cell:
a. Cell wall of cellulose
b. Nucleus
c. Mitochondria
d. None of these

9. The impurity atom with which pure silicon should be doped to make a p-type semiconductor are those of
a. Phosphorus
b. Boron
c. Anatomy
d. Arsenic

10. Who discovered electric bulb?
a. Thomas Addison
b. Alexander Graham Bell
c. William Cooke
d. Terry Addison

General Science-43

1. Summer Solstice falls every year on:
a. 23rd September
b. 21st March
c. 4th July
d. 21st June

2. Planet Saturn is:
a. Cooler than Pluto
b. Cooler than Neptune
c. Hotter than Neptune
d. Hotter than Jupiter

3. A layer of Earth made up of mixed metals and silicates is called:
a. Sail
b. Sima
c. Mantle
d. Nife

4. Which one of the following is used in making bullet proof materials?
a. Polyvinyl chloride
b. Poly carbonate
c. Polyethylene
d. Ployamide

5. What is the distance of earth from the sun?
a. 107.7 million Km.
b. 142.7 million Km.
c. 146.6 million Km.
d. 149.6 million Km.

6. The exhaustion of soil fertility is the result of:
a. Cover cropping
b. Multiple cropping
c. Rotation cropping
d. Over cropping

7. Modern movie songs released are the best in quality of sound. The rich quality of sound is due to which one of the following?
a. A note of high frequency
b. A note of high amplitude
c. Consists many harmonics
d. Consists the fundamental frequency

8. Which acid substance is found in vinegar?
a. Lactic Acid
b. Citric Acid
c. Maleic Acid
d. Acetic Acid

9. What type of fruit is pineapple?
a. Siliqua
b. Sorosis
c. Sycnous
d. Samara

10. What is the pH value of human blood?
a. 7.36 to 7.42
b. 8.36 to 8.42
c. 6.36 to 6.42
d. None of the above

General Science-42

1. The sex of newborn baby is determined by the chromosomes inherited from:
a. The mother
b. The father
c. Mother’s mother
d. Father’s father

2. A person suffering from which of the following cannot see with clarity the horizontal and vertical lines simultaneously?
a. Myopia
b. Hypermitropia
c. Astigmatism
d. Squint

3. Vinegar is obtained by the fermentation process; what does it contain?
a. Acetic acid
b. Formic acid
c. Nitric acid
d. Oxalic acid

4. The chemical compound in the common salt is:
a. Potassium nitrate
b. Ammonium chloride
c. Calcium carbonate
d. Sodium chloride

5. Hygrometer is used to measure
a. Humidity of the atmosphere
b. Density of milk
c. Speed of sound in water
d. None of the above

6. The instrument used to measure radioactivity is called:
a. Gyroscope
b. Nephoscope
c. Machmeter
d. Geiger Counter

7. The principle of cleaning by soap is;
a. Surface tension
b. Floatation
c. Viscosity
d. Elasticity

8. Which one among the following lasers is used in cancer treatment?
a. He-Ne Laser
b. Ruby Laser
c. CO2 Laser
d. Semiconductor Laser

9. The gas which constitutes the most of Venus’s atmosphere is:
a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbon-dioxide

10. The souring of milk is caused by the action of:
a. Protozoa
b. Bacteria
c. Viruses
d. None of these

General Science-41

1. Which one of the following phenomena shows particle nature of light?
a. Polarization
b. Photo-electric effect
c. Interference
d. Refraction

2. Heavy water is:
a. Ice
b. Water at 4 Degree Celsius
c. Solution of sugar and water
d. Deuterium oxide

3. Asprin can be found in many household medicine cabinets. But what is it chemically?
a. Ibuprofen
b. Paracetamol
c. Acetysalicyic acid
d. None of these

4. Which substance goes milky/ cloudy when you bubble carbon-dioxide into it?
a. Hard water
b. Lime water
c. Distilled water
d. None of these

5. Which one of the following is deviated by an electric field?
a. Alpha rays
b. Gama rays
c. Neutrons
d. X-rays

6. Ohm’s law defines:
a. A resistance
b. Current only
c. Voltage only
d. Both current and voltage

7. The complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats occurs in:
a. Stomach
b. Liver
c. Small intestine
d. Large intestine

8. A solar cell is a device that converts:
a. Light energy into heat energy
b. Heat energy into electrical energy
c. Electrical energy into light energy
d. Light energy into electrical energy

9. Which variety of coal contains the highest percentage of carbon?
a. Lignite
b. Bituminous
c. Anthracite
d. Peat

10. Bile is secreted in:
a. Pancreases
b. Small intestine
c. Stomach
d. Liver

General Science-40

1. What will happen if the star having mass greater than five times of the Sun is dead?
a. White dwarf will form
b. Neutron star will form
c. Black hole will form
d. Nebula will form

2. The greatest seasonal contrast of isolation on the earth is in which of the following latitudinal zones?
a. Equatorial
b. Tropical
c. Temperature
d. Polar

3. Which of the following radioactive elements is found in large amounts in India?
a. Radium
b. Thorium
c. Plutonium
d. Uranium

4. The bond which is present between water molecules is:
a. Electrovalent bond
b. Covalent bond
c. Hydrogen bond
d. Vander Waals bond

5. In general what is range of frequency of the "Message Signal"?
a. Radio Frequency
b. Audio Frequency
c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. Neither ‘a’ and ‘b’

6. The number of Chromosomes pairs in Human body are:
a. 23
b. 42
c. 46
d. None of above

7. Water is a good solvent. This is due to:
a. Dielectric constant of water
b. Surface tension of water
c. Specific heat of water
d. Heat of fusion of water

8. The formation of three dimension image by interference of two light beams from the laser or other coherent source of light is called
a. Optical photography
b. Holography
c. X-ray photography
d. Radiography

9. A jet engine works on the principle pf conversion of:
a. Energy
b. Mass
c. Linear momentum
d. Angular momentum

10. Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity:
a. Water
b. Mercury
c. Wood
d. Leather