Friday, 11 October 2013

Computer Awareness-62

    1.     Which amongst the following ways can be traversed on linear linked list?
a.        In-order traversal
b.      Reverse-order traversal
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
    2.     Traverse the list from the beginning and compare each element of the list with the given element, to be searched is called:
a.       Sorted list
b.      Linear list
c.       Linked list
d.      unsorted list
    3.     In ……………..we need the location of the element & the location of the preceding element.
a.       Auxiliary search
b.      Unsorted search
c.       Sorted search
d.      None of these

    4.     How many pointer fields are used in reversing a list?
a.       4
b.      3
c.       2
d.      1
    5.     Which of the following fields are used in reversing a list?
a.       Previous
b.      Current
c.       Next
d.      All of these
    6.     Deleting entire list can be accomplished by performing which of the following steps?
a.       Assign the start pointer to a temporary variable
b.      Advance the start pointer to the next node
c.       De-allocate the memory occupied by the node pointed to by pointer.
d.      All of these
    7.     A linear linked list, except that the last element points to the first element is called:
a.       Circular linked list
b.      Doubly linked list
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
    8.     A linked list which always contains a special node is called________
a.       Circular linked list
b.      Header node
c.       Doubly linked list
d.      Linear linked list
    9.     To produce the addition of polynomials which of the following steps to be performed?
a.       The terms of the polynomials are scanned from left to right
b.      The terms with powers that occurs only in one polynomials are simply copied into resulting polynomial.
c.       The coefficients of terms with same powers are added and then the new term is copied into the resulting polynomial.
d.      All of these
    10.  Inserting at the end of the list is done by performing which of the following steps?
a.       Assign NULL value to the next pointer field of the new node.
b.      Assign address of the new node to start.
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
    11. Deleting an element of the list is done by performing which of the following positions?
a.       At the beginning of the list
b.      At the end of the list
c.       After a given element
d.      All of these
    12.  _____________are lists whose element are ordered according to the time when they are added to them?
a.       Stacks and queues
b.      Stacks and arrays
c.       Queues and arrays
d.      Stacks and linked list
    13. Program development life cycle is divided in how many parts?
a.       6
b.      5
c.       4
d.      3
    14. Program design is called________
a.       Top- design program
b.      top- down program design
c.       Down- top program design
d.      none of these
    15. How many program design tools are described in program development life cycle?
a.       7
b.      6
c.       5
d.      4
    16. A step-by-step description of how to arrive at a solution is called______
a.       Decision tables
b.      Structure charts
c.       Flow charts
d.      Algorithm
    17. A special kind of table, which is divided in to four parts by a pair of horizontal& vertical lines are called__________
a.       Decision tables
b.      Structure charts
c.       Flow charts
d.      Algorithms
    18. A diagram that shows the logic of the program is called_____
a.       Algorithm
b.      Flow charts
c.       Decision table
d.       None of these
    19.  _________is another tools to describe the way to arrive at a solution.
a.       Coding table
b.      Testing and debugging
c.       Pseudo codes
d.      Flow charts
    20. A finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem is called______?
a.       Data structure
b.      Implementing the program
c.       Documenting

d.      Algorithm

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