Friday, 19 July 2013

Computer Awareness-26

    1.       Which of the following groups consist of only output devices? 
a.       Scanner, Printer, Monitor
b.      Keyboard, Printer, Monitor
c.       Mouse, Printer, Monitor
d.      Plotter, Printer, Monitor
    2.       Debugging tools are there to debug errors in 
a.       printers
b.      keyboards
c.       programs
d.      documents
    3.       It is a collection of facts and figures 
a.       Spreadsheet
b.      Document
c.       File
d.      Data

    4.       "Zipping" a file means 
a.       Encrypting the file
b.      Compressing the file
c.       Transfer the file
d.      Closing the file
    5.       Which of the following Command reboot the computer 
a.       DEL
b.      SHIFT + DEL
c.       CTRL + SHIFT + DEL
d.      CTRL + ALT + DEL
    6.       Which application software is required for designing visiting cards
a.       MS-Access
b.      MS-word
c.       Desktop Publishing
d.      None of these
    7.       VIRUS stands for: 
a.       Vital Information Recourse Under Siege
b.      Vital Information Reason Under Siege
c.       Vital Information Recourse Under System
d.      Virus Information Recourse Under Siege
    8.       What is the full form of W3C?  
a.       World Wide Web Code
b.      World Wide Web Contact
c.       World Wide Web Consortium
d.      World Wide Web Command
    9.       Which one among the following is not included in the basic functions of operating system?
a.       Job Control
b.      Job Scheduling
c.       Memory Management
d.      Data Management
    10.   Which among the following is used for removing a software bug / defect which is available for free of cost from the software provider?
a.       Patch
b.      Update
c.       Code
d.      Syntax
    11.   A situation where two or more processes coordinate their activities based on a condition is referred as
a.       Synchronization
b.      Dead Lock
c.       Starvation
d.      Par Begin
    12.   Producer consumer problems can be solved using
a.       Semapores
b.      Event counters
c.       Monitors
d.      All of these
    13.   Object model is a 
a.       Rule
b.      Process guidance
c.       System model
d.      Entity
    14.   You must install___________on a network if you want to share a broadband Internet connection.
a.       Router
b.      Modem
c.       ISDN
d.      Multiplexer
    15.   Granting an outside organization access to Internet web pages is often implemented using____________
a.       Extranet
b.      Intranet
c.       Internet 
d.      Hacker
    16.   The pattern of printed vertical lines on most products is called _________________ 
a.        Price Tag
b.      OCR
c.       MICR
d.      Barcode
    17.   A Pre-designed document that already had coordinating fonts, a layout, and a background:
a.       Model
b.      Design
c.       Draft
d.      Template
    18.   To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is: 
a.       right-clicking
b.      dragging
c.       dropping
d.      shift-clicking
    19.   A Switch is a network device whose responsibility is to
a.       Protect from virus attack
b.      Provide the power to network
c.       Boot the network
d.      Connect Network devices
    20.   What is common name of NIC Card
a.       LAN Card
b.      Motherboard
c.       RAM

d.      ROM 

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