Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Computer Awareness-19

    1.     What's the name for program or service that lets you view e-mail messages?
a.      Web browser   
b.     E-mail clients
c.      E-mail ID   
d.     Internet
    2.     What does the SMTP in an SMTP server stand for?
a.      Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
b.     Serve Message Text Process
c.      Short Messaging Text Process
d.     Short Messaging Transfer Protocol
    3.     What's considered the 'backbone' of the World Wide Web?
a.      Uniform resource locator (URL)
b.     Hypertext mark-up language (HTML)
c.      Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
d.     File transfer protocol (FTP)

    4.     We access the World Wide Web using :
a.      Browsers
b.     Instant messaging applications
c.      High bandwidth   
d.     Search engine
    5.     The Internet began with the development of
a.      USENET   
b.     ARPANET
c.      Ethernet   
d.     Intranet
    6.     A wireless network uses .......... waves to transmit signals
a.      mechanical  
b.     radio
c.      sound   
d.     magnetic
    7.     What device includes an adapter that decodes data sent in radio signals?
a.      modem   
b.     digital translator
c.      router   
d.     switch
    8.     Network components are connected to the same cable in the .......... topology
a.      star   
b.     ring
c.      bus   
d.     mesh
    9.     Small application programs that run on a Web page and may ensure a form is completed properly or provide animation are known as___
a.      flash   
b.     spiders
c.      cookies   
d.     applets
    10. Which of the following is Not a characteristic of a computer?
a.      Intelligence   
b.     Speed
c.      Versatility   
d.     Automation
    11. The WWW standard allows programs on many different computer platforms to show the information on a server. Such programs are called :
a.      ISP   
b.     Web Browsers
c.      Web Servers   
d.     Web Modular
    12.  Outlook Express is a
a.      E-mail client   
b.     Scheduler
c.      Address book   
d.     All of the above
    13. Which of the following is not a network ?
a.      Local Area Network
b.     Wide Area Network
c.      Optical Fibre   
d.     All are networks
    14. Which of the following is Not a characteristic of E-mail ?
a.      Low cost    
b.     Record maintenance in database
c.      High speed  
d.     Waste reduction
    15. ________ is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do
a.      nanoscience   
b.     Nanotechnology
c.      Simulation   
d.     Artificial intelligence
    16. Who designed the first electronic computer - ENIAC?
a.      Van Neuman   
b.     Joseph M Jacquard
c.      J presper Eckert and John W mauchly
d.     Both 1 and 2   
    17. ............. is a collection of web - pages and .......... is the very first page that we see on opening of a website
a.       Home page, Web page
b.     Website, Home page
c.      Web page, Home page
d.     Web page, Website
    18. When we run progra in HTML coding, ......... is used as back-end and ........... works as front-end
a.      Notepad, Internet Explorer
b.     Notepad, MSN messenger
c.      MS Word, Internet Explorer
d.     Both 1 and 3
     19. The server on the internet is also known as:
a.      Repeater   
b.     Host
c.      Gateway   
d.     AND Gate
     20. Website is a collection of :
a.      HTML documents   
b.     Graphic files
c.      Audio and Video files

d.     All of the above

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