Monday, 10 July 2017

Navodaya Vidyalaya PGT Exam- I

1.        Which of the following is not one of the Harappan sites related to the maritime activates of the Harappan people?
a.       Lothal
b.      Balakot
c.       Sokta kob
d.      Desalpur
2.       Which of the following findings helps us most to understand the religious and social life of the Indus Valley age?
a.       Burial grounds
b.      Terracotta figures and seals
c.       Furniture and pottery
d.      Remains of houses and other buildings
3.       Which of the following was not a religious belief of the Harappan people?
a.       Belief in evil spirits and life hereafter
b.      Cult and fire
c.       Adoration of trees and animals
d.      Erection of large prayer houses
4.       Evidence of ploughing the land is found from?
a.       Rangpur
b.      Harappa
c.       Kalibangan
d.      Roper
5.       Which one of the following is not true about Janapada?
a.       Its literal meaning is the place where people place their feet
b.      A Janapada was essentially an agricultural settlement
c.       The Janapadas were often named after the dominant Kshatruya clans
d.      The establishment of Janapada show that trade had become themost important factor in the contemporary life
6.       Which of the following archaeological cultures formed the material background of the sixteen maha janapadas?
a.       PGW pre-iron phase culture
b.      Copper-hoard culture
c.       NBPW culture
d.      PGW iron phase culture
7.       Which of the following texts gives a list of Maha janapadas?
a.       Anguttara
b.      Mahabharta
c.       Jatakas
d.      Therigatha
8.       Which one of the following cities had the largest city area in the second urbanization?
a.       Shravasti
b.      Patliputra
c.       Rajgriha
d.      Kausambi
9.       What does term ‘Panchayam’ stand for?
a.       Five elements
b.      Five rules
c.       Five books
d.      Five jewels
10.   One taking entry in Buddha Sangha was called:
a.       Upasampada
b.      Bhikkshu
c.       Sharaman
d.      Anusavan
11.   The first sermon of Buddha is called:
a.       Mahabhinishkrama
b.      Dharma chakra pravartan
c.       Dhamma ghos
d.      Mahaparinirvana
12.   Ten sheel prescribed by Buddha did not include:
a.       Satya
b.      Ahimsa
c.       Self study
d.      Asteya
13.   One of the edicts discovered in 1915, which gave the name of its author as king Ashoka ‘Priyadarsi’ is:
a.       Mansehra edict
b.      Girnar
c.       Maski edict
d.      Sarnath inscription
14.   Which of the following inscriptions proves Chandragupta Mauryas’s conquest of Western India?
a.       Junagarh Rock Edict of Rudradaman
b.      Girnar Rock Rdict of Ahoka
c.       Sopra Rock Edict of Ahoka
d.      Separate (Kalinga) Rock Edict
15.   Which of the following does not constitute the doctrinal aspects of Ashoka Dhamma?
a.       Non-Injury
b.      Restraint in behavior
c.       Equal treatment to all
d.      Fear of sin
16.   Which of the following supposed causes of disintegration of the Mauryan Empire is the least likely one?
a.       Succession of weak kings after Ashoka
b.      Military inactivity on account of Ashoka’s pacifist polices
c.       Brahminical revolt against the pro-Buddhist policy of Ashoka
d.      Absence of national consciousness and representative institutions
17.   With which one of the following is ‘The Allahabad Pillar Inscription’ associated?
a.       Mahapadama Nanda
b.      Chandra Gupta Maurya
c.       Ashoka
d.      Samudra Gupta
18.   Name the earliest example of a ‘Panchayatana’ composition in Indian temple architecture:
a.       The Dashavatara temple at Deogarh
b.      The Parvati temple at Nachna Kuthara
c.       The Laxman temple at Sirpur
d.      The Kankali temple at Tigawa
19.   Which of the following cities was regarded as best silk cloth producer during the Gupta period?
a.       Varanasi
b.      Prayag
c.       Ujjain
d.      Pataliputra
20.   The term ‘Nigama’ stood for a:
a.       Corporation of guild
b.      Group of merchants
c.       Group of inhabitants of the same town
d.      Group of Artisans
21.   Which animal is declared as ‘Aghanya’ in Rigveda?
a.       Horse
b.      Goat
c.       Cow
d.      Sheep
22.   What is not correct about later Vedic Age?
a.       They had knowledge of iron
b.      They did not know about glass manufacturing
c.       Agriculture was the main occupation
d.      Kingship was becoming hereditary
23.   Vanijya word has been used in:
a.       Taittriya Brahmana
b.      Satpatha Brahmana
c.       Gopath Brahmana
d.      Aitreya Brahmana
24.   The first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency and declare Delhi as the capital of his empire was
a.       Alam shah
b.      Iltutmish
c.       Nasiruddin Mahmud
d.      Balban
25.   The Sultan who refused to recognize the authority of the Calif was
a.       Alauddin Khalji
b.      Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
c.       Muhammad bin Tughlaq
d.      Qutbuddin Mubarak
26.   A Persian historian of the Sultanate period who accompanied Alauddin Khalji on his expedition to Chittor was
a.       Amir khusrau
b.      Minhaj-us-Siraj
c.       Ziauddin Barani
d.      Shams-i-Siraj Afif
27.   Which of the following Sultan tried to organize the army on the decimal system, on the Mongol Pattern?
a.       Ghiyasudding Balban
b.      Alaudding Khalji
c.       Muhamman bin Tughlaq
d.      Firoz Tughlaq
28.   Abwabs were
a.       Religious taxes such as zakat
b.      Toll taxes
c.       Miscellaneous kinds of taxes like the house Taxes, irrigation Tax etc.
d.      Taxes on merchandise and custom duties
29.   Who said the universe is the Vedas the Creation is the Quran?
a.       Kabir
b.      Bulle Shah
c.       Rajjab
d.      Guru Nanak
30.    A great Sufi Saint who was a bitter critic of the all other Scriptures, was:
a.       Mian Mir
b.      Bulle Shah
c.       Yari Sahib
d.      Shah Karim
31.   What is meant by the doctrine of ‘fanaa’ preached by the sufi Saints?
a.       Transcendental Meditation
b.      Communion with God Through love
c.       Annihilation of human attributes through union with God
d.      Inflaming the fire of love thought sama to achieve the supreme state of ecstasy
32.   After recapturing Delhi and his second coronation in Delhi, Humayun could only rule for:
a.       Six months
b.      Two and a half years
c.        Two years
d.      Fourteen months
33.    The Jesuit missionary who held personal discussion with Akbar and has written interesting account of him, was:
a.       Sir Thomas Toe
b.      Antony Monserrate
c.       Rudolf Aquaviva
d.      Francis Henriquez
34.    A contemporary Mughal historian who prepared a list of charges against Akbar and called him the enemy of Islam was
a.       Baduani
b.      Niamtullah
c.       Abbas Khan Sarwani
d.      Nizamudding Ahmad
35.   Which of the following land revenue system in operation during Mughal times is associated with Raja Todermal and is sometimes called Todarmal’s bandobast?
a.       Batai
b.      Jarib
c.       Kankut
d.      Zabti
36.   Mughal architecture reveals a happy blending of:
a.       Turkesh and Persian style
b.      Turkish and Afghan style
c.       Persian and Indian style
d.      Timurid and Indian style
37.    The mughal emperor who was an excellent connoisseur of paintings was:
a.       Akbar
b.      Jahangir
c.       Shah Jahan
d.      Humayun
38.   French East India Company was founded by:
a.       Colbert
b.      De La Haye
c.       Duplex
d.      Dumas
39.   On which occasion did the Portuguese handover Mumbai to English?
a.       Marriage of Charles II with the Portuguese princess Catherine of Bragana
b.      By the Treaty of Ax la Chapelle
c.       As a result of Portugal’s independence from the control of Spain
d.      The defeat of Spanish Armada by the English
40.   Name the state which granted the ‘Golden Farman’ to Holland to trade freely on payment of 500 ‘PAGODAS’ a year as duty was
a.       Golcunda
b.      Bijapur
c.       Berar

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