Thursday, 30 July 2015

General Science-120

      1.       Who invented the gravitation law?
a.       Einstein
b.      Dalton
c.       Faraday
d.      Newton

     2.       What does audiometer measure?
a.       Altitude
b.      Atmospheric pressure
c.       Movement of heart
d.      Intensity of sound

     3.       Who invented telephone?
a.       Samuel Morse
b.      Alexander Graham Bell
c.       Marconi
d.      Pascal

     4.       What are lines on map, joining places with equal amount of pressure called?
a.       Isobars
b.      Isohyets
c.       Isohels
d.      Isocheim

     5.       Which of the following is not renewable source of energy?
a.       coal
b.      wind
c.       water
d.      sun

     6.       Who is known as father of genetics?
a.       Rutherford
b.      Cushing Harvey
c.       William Harvey
d.      J.G. Mendel

     7.       Which is the longest day in the northern hemisphere?
a.       March 21
b.      September 28
c.       June 15
d.      June 21

     8.       Which of the following is true about lunar eclipse?
a.       It occurs only on a new moon day
b.      It occurs only on a full moon day
c.       It occurs when moon comes between the sun and earth
d.      It occurs when sun comes between earth and moon

     9.       What does Richter scale measure?
a.       Humidity
b.      Cyclones
c.       Earthquakes
d.      Tides

     10.   Approximately how much journey is involved from earth to mars?
a.       666 million kms
b.      777 million kms
c.       888 million kms

d.      999 million kms 

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